信用評等 (credit score) - 加拿大

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2008-07-27T13:36

Table of Contents

網路找到的...但是我懶得翻譯 (sorry!)
反正移民朋友也應該看英文我就直接貼了 ^^b

加拿大有兩家信用評等公司 Equifax 和 TransUnion
(這兩家是跨國的 美國也有 所以嚴格說公司後面要冠上 "Canada")

當申請信用卡 貸款 租屋 辦手機 等等公司都會向這兩家 (或其中一) 查詢信用評等
如果信用不好或是紀錄不夠 辦上面的事情就會吃虧

已經移民加拿大的朋友每年應該分別向兩家 order 信用報告 (郵寄給你的免費)
order 方法可以寄信或是打電話 toll-free

電話 TransUnion 866-525-0262 (魁北克居民 877-713-3393) 這家總部在 Hamilton, ON
Equifax 800-465-7166 這家應該在 Montreal


Check the Accuracy of Your Credit Report

Credit bureaus store and maintain information about your credit and payment
habits in a detailed credit report. This report can contain information such
as personal identification, your credit history, public records with an effect
on your credit and a list of parties you have authorized to access this
information. The purpose of this report is to establish a standardized and
objective credit rating for you.

What is a credit rating?

A credit rating is a measure of how dependable you are in repaying your debts.
Your credit rating is not established by the government or by financial
institutions - it is established by you. If you neglect to pay your bills on
time, or fail to repay a loan, you may be reported to a credit bureau. These
privately run companies supply and exchange information on how borrowers/debtors
pay their bills. This information is used to evaluate your credit worthiness.
Credit can be one of your most valuable personal assets. If you mismanage
credit as a student, it can impact your financial well-being after you
graduate. By establishing a good credit rating now, you are helping to ensure a
healthier financial future.

How do I find out what my credit rating is?

You have the right to see the information in your credit bureau file, which
includes your credit rating. Contact one of Canada's credit bureaus to receive
a copy of your credit report by mail, free of charge. For a fee, you can also
view your credit report online. If you have been denied credit on the basis of
a rating which you feel is inaccurate, you can request that the information be

For more information, contact one of the credit bureaus directly at:

TransUnion Canada: 1-866-525-0262

Equifax Canada: 1-800-465-7166

How do I establish a good credit rating?

The easiest way to establish a good credit rating is to pay your bills on time.
Another way is to apply for a credit card. If you use it responsibly and make
your minimum payments, you can develop a history of good credit. And a credit
card is easy to obtain and easy to use.


All Comments

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2008-07-31T22:47
Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2008-08-01T00:24
Equifax我用過 線上付小額費用就可以查
很方便 什麼信用資料都有 很清楚= =


George avatar
By George
at 2008-07-27T08:04
把幾個版友來信詢問度高的問題一次在這說明: 溫哥華到白馬鎮來回機票是台幣17000(這是六月的價錢 現在應該又漲價了) 育空河漂流 有GUIDE一起的套裝� ...


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2008-07-27T05:04
※ 引述《xu3tw (xu3tw)》之銘言: : 過幾天要去溫哥華玩三個禮拜 : 想說要買公車月票 : 今年二十歲 卻發現他的月票成人130塊 : 十九歲以下40塊= = : 想請問 ...


William avatar
By William
at 2008-07-27T00:43
過幾天要去溫哥華玩三個禮拜 想說要買公車月票 今年二十歲 卻發現他的月票成人130塊 十九歲以下40塊= = 想請問一下 買票時檢查證件很仔細嗎 因為真�� ...

在加拿大 Montreal生活的經驗?

Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2008-07-26T00:28
我想請問各位在加拿大長居的版友 能夠分享一下在加拿大 生活的經驗 與台灣比較一下 享討論的幾個點 , 在下面說明 也順便閒聊一番 ================== ...


Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2008-07-25T17:01
各位加拿大版的前輩大家好:) 有幾個問題想請教各位。因為太晚訂機票,因此選擇一班國泰8/4 21:55才會抵達多 倫多的航班。原先預計要去借住 ...