倫敦Waterloo double room一間 - 倫敦

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2012-07-12T19:30

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To let 1 double room in Waterloo (Zone1) for ꌱ60 per week, starting
from 16 or 17 July

The flat has 4 furnished bedrooms, a kitchen, an attic, and a bathroom.
Currently three LBS alumni live here, one male, two female, with no
overlap in life schedules, as we work in three different areas of finance.

Location: 3rd floor, 69 Stamford Street, SE1 9NB. 7-minute walk to the
waterloo tube station, where Bakerloo, Jubilee, Northern, and Waterloo
and City line cross - you won急 have to miss any travel for a tube fault.
It旧 also superbly convenient to take trains from the Waterloo Station,
as you might travel around the UK. It旧 very close to the City, and one
of our flatmates commutes by walking!

Location on map: http://goo.gl/maps/Mxnn
To get to LBS from Waterloo station, one only has to spend 10mins in the
tube (Jubilee line or Bakerloo line), or take bus 139 via Regent Street
and Oxford Street (you'll always get a seat as it's the starting stop).

Furniture: In the bedroom, there旧 a double bed, white wardrobe, a desk
with a swivel chair. View of South End is just outside the window. For
the flat, there旧 everything you need, whether British or Asian, in the

Neighbourhood: South End of London. Can enjoy Thames River and London Eye
by 5-minute walk. Sainsbury is nearby. Marks&Spencer is just in the station.
Also within 5-min walk, IMAX, Royal Festival Hall, National Theatre, and
Royal Albert Hall are here for you to enjoy. Covent Garden is within 20mins
of walk.

Internet: already installed with high capacity every month.

Rent: ꌱ60 per week, not including bills. Could be negotiable

Availability: from 16 or 17 July (other dates are also negotiable), letting
for over 6months is preferred.

Who we are looking for: non-smoking male/female student/professionals please

It's not easy to find flat with such a reasonable rent at such a central
location, especially starting from the Olympic period. Hurry up!

Flat viewing:
Thursday or Friday evenings and non-workdays. Although flexible, it might
be unlikely that any of us would be free at home at other times.

Contact for viewing or further questions (whoever is available). Please
email if calls during working hours are not picked up.
Jack: [email protected] or 07946248757
Angie: [email protected] or 07904337604

Tags: 倫敦

All Comments


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2012-07-11T13:02
九月中要去英國二個禮拜 想徵求9/16~9/22倫敦1~2zone短租 我們有四個人,一男三女。 靠近paddington佳。 麻煩意者站內信,謝謝。 - ...


Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2012-07-11T04:33
不知道倫敦除了酒吧之外,是否有其它公共場合會架設大螢幕觀賞奧運開幕式? 感謝知道的朋友分享資訊! - ...

乾淨舒適雙人房 In Kennington(1-2區)

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2012-07-10T23:51
乾淨舒適雙人房 In Kennington(1-2區)出租 兒 - 2012十月起!!! 凡尼克18號 (2012十月起, 適短租3週內!!!) = 交通 = 離Kennington地鐵走路約五分鐘(Northen line 黑線上), 離倫敦一區的Waterloon地鐵站只要一站, 不管到任何倫敦市區 ...

買了英國全區火車票 但是不會查時刻表GG

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2012-07-10T15:31
預計在七月頂出發至倫敦 但買了全區的英國火車票後 卻發現不知道該怎麼使用 有人可以救救我嗎? 突然發現英國的火車好像有好幾家 National railway 和 virgin train 的看起來班次似乎不太一樣QWQ 是全部都可以搭嗎? 還有聽說有些長途車訂票需要再額外加錢 真的嗎? 拜託各位大大救 ...


Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2012-07-10T14:10
請問一下,我想從倫敦到劍橋, 當天來回,所以想要one day return off-peak 網路訂票上顯示22鎊,想請問這種票, 事先訂票跟當天現場買的價格會一樣嗎? 謝謝各位。 - ...