健康作業英翻中 - 社會議題

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2014-12-15T00:00

Table of Contents

A research policy practice gap
A recent report which looked at the health impacts across government identified that government ministers need robust analysis and evidence about health issues. An increasing volume of research identifies social factors at the root of inequalities in health, relevant to communicable and non-communicable diseases alike, but it is not sufficient for researchers to develop these models and explain the pathways; the public health community must communicate and interact with other sectors and make the links clear. Too often, researchers and policy-makers operate in isolation,and structures are not in place to facilitate a seamless translation of research findings into policy and practice.
Policy without action
However, even if evidence is used to inform policy, the policymaking
process itself will not yield results. It must be accompanied
by implementation, monitoring and evaluation conducted with the
assistance of indicators such as those developed by the Association
of Public Health Observatories, which inform measures of performance
and progress.
Dominance of commercial power
There are significant financial returns to be made from selling
many things that are unhealthy. Historically, tobacco holds pride of place in this category, but we must also add many food products and alcohol to tobacco. We live in a society characterized by a strong commercial market and a weak social market. Traditionally,poor people have poor purchasing power so their particular (health) needs are not addressed.
Building healthier public policy
A broader determinants of health approach is being increasingly adopted and the links between many areas and health are increasingly recognized. However, health status remains poor for many in the population, and other sectors do not fully take on board their responsibilities and duties with regard to health. There are a variety of approaches to healthy public policy, such as regulation.
such as regulation,dissemination of reliable information (outside health education campaigns) and fiscal policy, alongside HIA which can support the need to build intersectoral action through partnerships and provide research relevant to policy.
拜託 在麻煩您幫忙一下 謝謝

All Comments

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2014-12-18T14:30
A research policy practice gap (你這個標題是否有漏了什麼字? 看起來不完整。我參考下列文章內容,我猜應該是指研究、政策與執行的落差) A recent report which looked at the health impacts across government identified that government ministers need robust analysis and evidence about health issues. An increasing volume of research identifies social factors at the root of inequalities in health, relevant to communicable and non-communicable diseases alike, but it is not sufficient for researchers to develop these models and explain the pathways; the public health community must communicate and interact with other sectors and make the links clear. Too often, researchers and policy-makers operate in isolation, and structures are not in place to facilitate a seamless translation of research findings into policy and practice.最近一項有關健康對整個政府的影響的報告發現,政府的部長們就健康這個議題應有更健全的分析和證據。有關傳染或非傳染之類的疾病,越來越多的研究證實社會因素是造成健康方面不平等的主要根源,但是這些仍不足讓研究人員發展出模式或解釋其路徑。公共衛生團體必須和其他的部門溝通和互動,讓彼此的連結更透明。研究人員和決策者常常各自行事,組織架構也無法適度地協助將研究結果無縫地轉化為政策與實行。 Policy without action (缺乏具體作為的政策) However, even if evidence is used to inform policy, the policymaking process itself will not yield results. It must be accompanied by implementation, monitoring and evaluation conducted with the assistance of indicators such as those developed by the Association of Public Health Observatories, which inform measures of performance and progress.然而,即便證據足以形成政策,決策過程本身仍不足以產生結果,還需要藉由一些指標的協助來執行、監督和評估,例如,那些由公共衛生觀察協會所展出來的指標,可以提供成果和進度的方法。
2014-12-15 11:39:35 補充:
Dominance of commercial power (商業力量的優勢)
2014-12-15 11:41:59 補充:
Building healthier public policy (建立更健全的公共政策)
有關健康方法方面,較廣泛的決定因素採用的越來越多,而許多與健康之間的連結也漸漸地組織起來,然而,健康狀況不佳的人仍然很多,而其他部門的人對於健康這方面仍然沒有承擔起全部的責任與義務。有許多健全公共政策的方法,例如: 規定。
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2014-12-16T03:54
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2014-12-17T22:15
請別把YK+當作翻譯機來用, 超過5行就違反版規了.
花心血翻譯卻可能被移除, 只有翻譯機會來應付您.


Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2014-12-15T00:00


George avatar
By George
at 2014-12-15T00:00
我很喜歡吃麵包,糖尿病可以吃嗎?吃多少算過量水果可以吃嗎?白飯真的像營養師說的要少吃嗎?怎樣控制好血糖?我� ...


William avatar
By William
at 2014-12-15T00:00


Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2014-12-15T00:00


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2014-12-15T00:00