全球暖化英文翻譯請大大幫幫忙(急~~20點) - 暖化

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2007-10-17T00:00

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由於大氣溫度升高導致熱帶傳染病向高緯擴散目前已有熱帶傳染病擴散的跡象。海洋溫度增加,南極和北極的冰川會加速融化,導致海平面上升,會淹沒沿海低海拔地區,例如大洋洲島國圖瓦魯已被水淹沒 2003年,熱浪在歐洲造成3萬人喪生,並在印度造成1千5百人喪命。而非洲第一高峰吉力馬札羅山的雪可能在2020年完全融化 珊瑚礁及高山草原等生態棲息地將遭到嚴重破壞,使得許多動植物面臨絕種的危機。
Tags: 暖化

All Comments

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2007-10-18T21:12
Global warming leads to spreading of epidemic diseases from low latitudes to high latitudes. Now we have already noticed signs of such poleward spread.
Rise of sea water temperature causes melting of polar ice caps. World sea level rises as a result and would flood lowlying areas along the coast. Rising sea levels are gradually inundating the Oceanica country of Tuvalu.
The heat wave of 2003 killed 30000 (3 萬? 真的??) people and another 1500 people in India lost their lives to hot weather.
Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa, will lose its icecap by 2020. Melting snow will harm alpine meadows and coral reefs along the coast. Plant and animal species are about to extinct because of this.
2007-10-21 09:54:05 補充:
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2007-10-18T15:04
Because atmospheric temperature rise, cause tropical infectious disease spread at present for tropical infectious disease sign that spread to high latitude. Marine temperature increases, the South Pole and Arctic glacier will be melted with higher speed, lead to the fact the sea level rises, will flood the coastal low area above sea level, for example picture tile Shandong of island country of Oceania has already been flooded in 2003 by water, the heat wave causes 30,000 deaths in Europe, and cause 1,500 people to get killed in India. And Africa first peak lucky strength horse thin pieces of wood used for writing on in ancient China snow of Luoshan might melt coral reef and alpine grassland,etc. destroy seriously by ecological habitat totally in 2020 year, crisis of making a lot of animals and plants face becoming extinct.

你會響應「一人一筷 抗暖救地球」活動嗎?

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2007-10-16T00:00
動物星球頻道最近正在舉辦一人一筷抗暖救地球活動推廣使用環保筷有人參加嗎?http://www.animalplanet.com.tw/11/我有參� ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2007-10-15T00:00
今天看了and#34;An Inconvenient Truthand#34;,對於其中的全球暖化與冰河時期的到來之間的因果關係不是很了解.....當中提到,如果全球繼續暖化,那麼格陵蘭� ...


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2007-10-13T00:00


Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2007-10-13T00:00
二氧化碳真的是造成溫室效應的最主要原因嗎?現在大多文章說二氧化碳和其他或不明氣體是造成暖化的原因,國中理化課本並沒說清楚,它只說二氧化� ...


Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2007-10-13T00:00