加州空氣機構首長上任 面臨空污和氣候씠… - 生態環境討論

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2007-07-14T14:12

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※ [本文轉錄自 IA 看板]

作者: weitzern (高級雜工) 看板: IA
標題: [新聞] 加州空氣機構首長上任 面臨空污和氣候變遷挑戰
時間: Sat Jul 14 14:12:08 2007

標題: 加州空氣機構首長上任 面臨空污和氣候變遷挑戰

新聞來源: http://e-info.org.tw/node/24350


加州州長阿諾史瓦辛格任命環境律師與教育家妮歌絲(Mary Nichols)為加州空氣資源局

妮歌絲接替6月剛被阿諾州長辭退的索亞博士(Dr. Robert Sawyer),索亞被革職的原因是

州長辦公室的助理指出, 6月14日委員會投票表決,延後對聖喬昆谷課徵空氣品質標準稅




New Head of California Air Agency Faces Complex Challeges
SACRAMENTO, California, July 9, 2007 (ENS)
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has appointed environmental lawyer and
educator Mary Nichols as chair of the California Air Resources Board, CARB.
She takes charge of the state's transition from suffering some of the
nation's worst air pollution to taking the lead in combating climate change.

Nichols replaces Dr. Robert Sawyer who was fired in late June after a
disagreement with the governor over a deadline for enforcing the federal
Clean Air Act in the San Joaquin Valley, the heart of California's
agricultural region.

Aides in the governor’s office said Sawyer’s appointment was rescinded
after the Board voted June 14 to delay imposing federal air quality standards
in the San Joaquin Valley until 2024.

Sawyer, a professor emeritus at the University of California-Berkeley, has
said San Joaquin Valley air was not really the issue in his dismissal. He
views the issue as the independence of the Board from the governor’s

While announcing Nichol's appointment, the governor made it clear that to him
the San Joaquin Valley is the issue.

"When one out of six residents in the San Joaquin Valley has been diagnosed
with asthma and one in five children carry an inhaler to school, it is a call
to action," he said. "The Air Resources Board must keep California on the
path of cleaner air, particularly in areas with significant air quality
issues such as the San Joaquin Valley, the South Coast and areas around our

Nichols will be in charge of California's two showpiece climate initiatives.
The Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 establishes a statewide target for
greenhouse gas reduction by 2020. CARB is empowered to adopt an emissions
limit and regulations, market mechanisms, and early action measures to
achieve it.

The governor's Low Carbon Fuel Standard established by executive order in
January requires a 10 percent emissions reduction by 2020. CARB oversees
implementation of this early action measure.

全文及圖片詳見 ENS


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[評論] 紀錄片工作者揹汙名 ˙蔡崇隆

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2007-07-14T13:59
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