加拿大看棕熊的tour? - 北美

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2011-09-16T01:24

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這幾天在研究Vancouver Island的tour


google關鍵字grizzly bear tours也是一票results
不過好像大多都在British Columbia?

不一定要在加西, 其它地點的也歡迎分享


明天我會寫信問問看行程,如果有機會參加會再來分享給大家! :)

Tags: 北美

All Comments

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2011-09-17T02:19
grizzly bear就是BC和AB的熊口較多,一個人有點怪又不算太怪
Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2011-09-19T03:41
BC省西北部海岸特別適合,例如Campbell River,Port Hardy等
Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2011-09-23T11:58
Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2011-09-25T22:28
不常見又不算太罕見;在意怪不怪幹麼? 重點是你玩的開不開心
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2011-09-29T16:24
謝啦~也不是怕怪 的確是爽就好 希望到時有機會與大家分享

White Sand National Monument, NM

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2011-09-12T09:47
圖片見網誌版 http://weijentravel.blogspot.com/2011/09/2010-new-mexico-white-sand-national.html 【Abstract: On the very last day of 2010, I was at White Sand National Monument, New Mexico. Th ...

CWRU 有在打羽球嗎??

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2011-09-12T02:01
如同標題, CWRU校內有地方可以打羽球嗎??? 看了學校的影片不外乎and#34;美式足球, 籃球, 棒球...田徑場等and#34; 就是沒看到羽球場~ 美國人比較少在打羽�� ...

Cruise on sale

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2011-09-11T07:04
Dose anyone want to take the cruise to Bahamas from west palm beach (near Miami)?I am supposed to ride on the cruise in October 2nd, but my visa is expired in this end of the month,so I canand#39;t ma ...

黃石公園-Old Faithful區

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2011-09-08T21:43
圖文網誌 http://wsandy.pixnet.net/blog/post/35832790 離開Lake區,繼續向南,沿著黃石湖的好風光,會來到一個小的休憩點-Grant Village,他的 遊客中心富有地理教育� ...

迪士尼Disney Magic Kingdom part2

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2011-09-08T20:39
※ [本文轉錄自 Ind-travel 看板 #1EQBTi_S ] 作者: kiwii (￾ ￾ ￾ ) 看板: Ind-travel 標題: [遊記] 迪士尼Disney Magic Kingdom part2 時間: Thu Sep 8 20:39:04 2011 ...