加拿大移民 - 加拿大

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2008-10-07T06:58

Table of Contents

※ 引述《tzuchien1023 (music)》之銘言:
: 之前在加拿大留學過但那時工作簽證不好申請
: 所以回來台灣工作 但聽說最近加拿大政府的移民政策有改變
: 所以想要申請移民
: 不知道好不好申請??? > <
: 想請問一下喔
: 若要申請的話 我可以辦理技術移民嗎?
: 經驗移民一定要在加拿大工作才能辦嗎??
: 因為我想要自己申請~~
: tks!

Minimum Requirements of CEC

You must meet these minimum requirements to apply for permanent residence
under the Canadian Experience Class. You must:

- plan to live outside the province of Quebec
- be either:
- a temporary foreign worker with at least two years of full-time (or
equivalent) skilled work experience in Canada, or
- a foreign graduate from a Canadian post-secondary institution with
at least one year of full-time (or equivalent) skilled work experience
in Canada
- have gained your experience in Canada with the proper work or study
- apply while working in Canada – or – within one year of leaving your job in


All Comments


Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2008-10-06T17:57
有人可以幫幫我嗎? 有人在加拿大安大略的北約克嗎? 我下禮拜四晚上的飛機 我想住一個禮拜 要多少錢可以談 因為 我要去找我女友 因為她這幾� ...


Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2008-10-04T15:26
ID:Pinkifille 生日:1984.01.19 目前(在學 OR 工作):Starbucks Richmond Center 目前居住地:Richmond Blog or Email or MSN:laiarielleathotmail.com 意見(對加拿大的感想,� ...


Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2008-10-03T14:30
想要用線上付費,到了fido.ca的網站上它說得先註冊, 但是要我輸入area code和我的fido number。 are code是604嗎?那fido number是什麼呢? 它只有七個數字的� ...


Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2008-10-03T09:03
前言:其實工作和觀光申請的簽證都叫作temporary resident visa, 只是附的文件大有不同。以下為了清楚一點,直接稱為工作簽證,這次是更新簽證, 和工� ...


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2008-10-03T08:35
類似的問題之前在這個版andamp;移民版其實都有討論過了 關於Aladar的回文 想附帶提醒原PO 如果你一直沒住在加拿大 即使你在楓葉卡到期之前入境 有 ...