化石之歌 - 地球科學討論

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2012-10-29T10:52

Table of Contents


Fossil Rocks!
You dig

Fossil rocks are in the ground tonight
They've been down there for a really long time
they contain the history of life
They've be down there for a really long time

(They're the schist)
They are literally on the grind
take your hammer out there (break that)
shovel crab brush toss admire

look at the ground
partly rock
plus plants and animals stuck in their spot
each new layer stacking up
so the oldest on the bottom
and the newest on the top
so how old is your fossil. bro?

pretty dar down, so it is pretty darn old
and I dated this one, so I gots to know
It is 3.5 billion years ago
I got that lava flow out volcano, and air full of particles and smoke
There goes life as they know now that's blast!!
most rocks ain't movin that fast, so the sediment's evidence
like the present tells us of the past

Fossil rocks are in the ground tonight
They've been down there for a really long time
they contain the history of life
They've be down there for a really long time

take your chisel out there (flake that)

Everyday I am shoveling


Brush them, brush them
Brush it, brush off
and hear the story of life as told through rocks
The story of the earth as told through life
Now stop
do the trilobite

Continental plates are drifting' now,
mountains in the states uplifting
Tend to isolate species by affecting who you mate with
(Believe Me!)
Slow moves, long time, push mountains to the sky
Slow moves, long time, open up a grate divide
Slow moves, long time, fossils found on either side
fossils found they tell us why
tell the history of life

Slow moves, long time, Slow moves, long time, Slow moves, long time
Plates are drifting' at you boy, Plates are drifting' at you boy,
Plates are drifting' at you boy

There's an asteroid.

※ 引述《pttrefresh (我來看戲的~)》之銘言:
: 不知道有沒有OP
: 這首歌真是強大XDDD
: 化石之歌 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClJ5lwl_wM0
: 讓我們一起學習吧~



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大力推薦"Earth's Climate"

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2012-10-29T10:49
自己回自己的古老文 最近有兩本書值得推薦 第一本是T.M. Cronin所著的Paleoclimates 算是這幾年(2009)年最新的一些古氣候古海洋理論的重新整理 有些地方有幾個小錯誤,但是最棒的是,他有幫忙整理了各個事件 目前所整理出來的年代,並且都有製成表格 這讓大家在討論一堆名詞但搞不清楚年代的 ...


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2012-10-29T10:33
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Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2012-10-29T00:14
11/10 11兩天 在成功大學地科系系館(位於成功校區) http://news.secr.ncku.edu.tw/files/11-1054-1389-1.php 由成大地科系的學生辦的系展喔~ 以下是本次活動的專頁 http://www.facebook.com/2012ChengGon ...


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