可以在電話告知稅號TFN嗎? - 紐澳

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2009-11-10T22:55

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※ 引述《yjeu (秋水共長天一色)》之銘言:
: 大家好~
: 但是我聽說自己的TFN應該保密 除了必要情況 不能隨便跟他人透露 所以我沒給他
Keep your tax file number safe
Your tax file number (TFN) is a key part of your
identity whilst you are in Australia. It is an
important detail of your proof of identity when
you start a new job, open bank accounts and apply
for government benefits. Keep it secure.

Protect your identity by protecting all your
personal details including your TFN. Keep your
passwords and TFN safe and never record or store
them in a manner which leaves them open to theft,
such as in your purse or wallet.

Only certain people and organisations can ask for
your TFN, the most common being:

the Tax Office when discussing your tax records
your employer after you start work
your bank or other financial institutions
Centrelink, and
your superannuation fund.



Tags: 紐澳

All Comments

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2009-11-12T23:25
謝謝詳細的答覆~要是能確認對方是從tax office打來的就好了~

Hobart 單人房短期出租 11/20~2/20 $80/week

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2009-11-10T18:49
小弟目前在Tasmania的Hobart 我住的這個房子一共有兩間房間一大一小 我和女友住大間的 小間的室友要臨時決定要回國 所以降價出租 一週80 電費 網費 ...

Brisbane 市區 Y短期租屋11/28~12/16

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2009-11-10T15:21
徵短期房友:一位(需與一位韓國女生共住一間房) 出租日期 :11/28-12/16 地 點 :位於布里斯本Spring Hill 週遭區域 : 1.步行十分鐘即可到達市區� ...


Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2009-11-10T15:05
我找agency去了 因為email resume從沒回音過 去路上店家發履歷也沒人要 我想是因為真的沒經驗 英文也不佳 重點是 請問大家覺得或是有找agency的人 還是�� ...

跟仲介租屋 退租時間點

Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2009-11-10T12:45
根據NSW法律 租房須於21天前告知仲介(或房東)不再續約 若無告知則視為續約 and#39;照理and#39;要重新打一份新的合約(不過很多仲介都沒重打我知道..) 根�� ...


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2009-11-10T09:11
雪大第一次 台灣照片展atFisher Library 曾多次跟你的朋友說台灣有多好玩多漂亮 但卻被嫌沒圖沒證據 不曾來過台灣的你 想一睹那島國專屬的風情 那這次 ...