四百年前的西漢字典 - 西班牙

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2021-02-20T01:29

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Taiwanese, Spanish scholars discover world's oldest Spanish-Chinese
language dictionary.

--Seventeenth century dictionary will help understand Taiwan’s history

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) —

A Spanish and Taiwanese scholar have discovered the world’s
oldest and largest Spanish-Chinese language dictionary in the
archives of the Philippines’ University of Santo Tomas (UST),
reports said last Monday (Feb. 8).

Dr. Fabio Yu-Chung Lee (李毓中), from Taiwan’s National Tsing-Hua
University (NTHU), and Dr. Jose Luis Cano Ortigosa, from the
University of Seville in Spain, discovered the 400-year-old
“Dictionario Hispanico Sinicum” (DHS). It was cataloged in
the archives as “Spanish-Chinese Vocabulary with Chinese
Characters," according to UST. The dictionary was found labeled
“of little value,” the university said.

However, Dr. Henning Kloter, a professor at Germany’s Humboldt
University, said that, “Nothing could be further from the truth,”
adding the dictionary is “the most comprehensive collection of Hokkien
lexical items” of its time. “Historians will find a wealth of
information on the early history of the Spanish-Chinese encounter
in the Philippines,” the Philippine Daily Inquirer quoted him as

Compiled and edited in the 17th century by Spanish Dominican missionaries
in Manila, the DHS is estimated to be at least 70 years older than the
Kangxi Dictionary, which was commissioned by the Qing Dynasty Emperor
Kangxi and first published in 1716. Not only does it list Mandarin
terms and their Spanish equivalents, but it also includes Hokkien

UST archivist and historian Regalado Trota Jose connected the
dictionary’s existence to the Spanish occupation of Taiwan,
which lasted from 1626-1642. Lee and Ortigosa agreed with Jose,
noting that an entry in the DHS included the Spanish sentence,
“Tierra de Isla Hermosa ado estan los espanoles,” which translates
to “on the island of Hermosa, a land owned by the Spanish.”
“Hermosa” is the Spanish word for Formosa, Taiwan’s historic name,
which means “beautiful” in Portuguese.

They also pointed out the DHS used a specific term that indicated the
Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) was still in existence while it was being edited.

"We were deeply impressed," the Lee and Cano said. The two scholars
added the dictionary would be helpful in understanding Taiwan’s history.

The DHS has a total of 1,103 pages and 27,000 vocabulary entries.




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