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Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2007-10-23T00:00

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A Recent Study Suggests Most Young Americans Plan to Vote for a Democrat in Next Year’s Presidential Election
This is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English.
What do young Americans think about the presidential candidates and social issues? A new public opinion study shows that the majority of young people support Democrats over Republicans. The young people also have liberal positions on several social issues.
The results of the study were published earlier this week by the New York Times newspaper. The opinion study was a joint effort by the New York Times, CBS News, and MTV, the music television network. The study was based on telephone calls to 659 young people earlier this month. They were between the ages of 17 and 29.
Fifty-four percent of the young Americans questioned said they plan to vote for a Democratic Party candidate for president in 2008. They appeared to like two candidates the most -- Democratic Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.
The study also found that many more young Americans are paying attention to the 2008 presidential race than the last one in 2004. They share with the general public a negative opinion of President Bush. Only 28 percent of this group approve of the job he is doing as president.
Almost half of the young Americans questioned feel their generation will be worse off than their parents’ generation. But more than 75 percent of them believe the votes of their generation would make a difference in the next presidential election.
The study found that young adults share the same opinions as the general population on some issues. But they have different opinions on several issues. For example, young Americans are more likely than the general public to support a government-controlled health care system for all Americans. The young people are also more likely to support a liberal policy on immigration.
Young Americans are also more likely than the general public to support legalizing the possession of small amounts of the drug marijuana.
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When asked about the war in Iraq, young adults appeared to be more hopeful than the population as a whole. Fifty-one percent of the young adults said the United States is likely to succeed in Iraq. This is compared with 45 percent of the general population.
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Young Americans share the same opinions as the general public on the issue of abortion to end a pregnancy. Seventy-five percent said abortion should be available, either as it is or with greater restrictions.
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And the majority of young adults agrees with the general population that global warming is a serious problem that should be a top issue for government leaders.
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And that’s IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English, written by Brianna Blake. Our reports can be found on our Web site, voaspecialenglish.com. I’m Steve Ember.

All Comments

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2007-10-27T15:30
這份報告是這個月由電話訪問659位年輕人.年輕人年紀從17-29歲. 54%的美國年輕人說他們2008年計畫投民主黨的候選人
他們大多偏愛兩位候選人-民主黨的Hillary Clinton和 Barack Obama.這份報告同時發現很多年輕人比起2004年選舉,他們比較關注2008年的總統選戰
2007-10-23 23:18:51 補充:
2007-10-23 23:23:48 補充:
這個報導來自VOA Special English,記者Brianna Blake,這份報告可在線上觀看voaspecialenglish.com,我是Steve Ember
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2007-10-23T05:20
這是在新聞用VOA 特別英語。
年輕美國人認為什麼總統候選人和社會問題? 一項新民意研究表示, 多數青年人支持民主人士在共和黨人。青年人並且有寬宏位置在幾個社會問題研究的結果由紐約時代週刊報紙本星期初出版了。觀點研究是共同努力由紐約時代週刊、CBS 新聞, 和MTV, 音樂電視網路。研究本月初根據電話對659 青年人。他們是在年齡的17 和29之間。
2008 年年輕美國人的百分之五十四問了前述他們對總統計劃投票支持一名民主黨候選人。他們出現對像二名候選人多數-- 民主黨參議員希拉里・克林頓和Barack Obama 。研究並且發現在2004 年許多年輕美國人注意2008 總統競選比最後一個。他們與公眾分享布希總統一個消極觀點。只這個小組的百分之28 他做□作為總統的讚許工作。年輕美國人對表示懷疑的感受的一半他們的世代幾乎將是壞比他們的父母的世代。但超過百分之75 他們相信他們的世代表決會產生在下總統選舉上的變化。研究發現了那年輕成人分享觀點和總人口一樣關於一些問題。但他們有不同的觀點關於幾個問題。例如, 年輕美國人比公眾可能支持一個政府受控衛生保健系統為所有美國人。青年人並且是可能支持由於移民的一項寬宏政策。


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2007-10-23T00:00
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Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2007-10-23T00:00
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Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2007-10-23T00:00


Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2007-10-23T00:00
這種情況持續大約有一年多了.非常困擾.晚上睡著時嘴巴會張開.早上起來整個嘴巴乾到喉嚨.非常難過.不知道要怎� ...


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2007-10-23T00:00
我搜尋過各大serch甚至還找過自己的book我印象中我以前不知道在哪有看過從肥皂演變成沐浴乳的發展史拜託各位大 ...