在美國如果問這樣的問題 - 文化差異
By Mary
at 2006-08-18T01:08
at 2006-08-18T01:08
Table of Contents
※ 引述《sexwantboy (hehe)》之銘言:
: 上次去SF玩
: SF真的是一個大城市
: 有很多不同膚色髮色的人 不同族裔的比比皆是
: 身為台灣人的我 當然會特別注意黃種人黃皮膚黑頭髮的人
: 有些人的臉真的很明顯
: 一看就知道是日本人或韓國人
: 有些人就不太好分 可能是華人或其他國家的人
: 只是這些亞裔的人 可能是留學生 也可能在這落地生根N代了
: 即使是華人 也不一定會說中文了 即使會說 也不一定說"普通話"
: 我在中國城去某家餐廳點了杯珍珠奶茶
: 這家餐廳是廣東人開的 整間竟然都是廣東話交談
: 沒看到半個西方人
: 我去點飲料時 我用破破的英文點 老闆竟然聽不懂
: 我再用普通話點 他只會說普通話的"聽不懂"
: 搞到最後 才知道他只會說廣東話
: 心裡不禁有點驚訝也有點感傷
: 這座城裡面的人 一輩子的生活圈是不是都只在這裡呢?
: 華人到外國 為了保有自己的文化和生活方式
: 就建立起了自己的中國城
: 可是相對的 這是一種隔閡
: 尤其對老一點的人來說 他們搞不好都不曾離開這裡也不一定
美國社會( 如果真有這東西存在的話 )的途逕建了道城牆,把外
後來我看了本書 Asian American Dream By Helen Zia,才發覺
我用的是台灣人( 外人 )片面、以現今這個時間點的觀點,去看
有引進男工沒女工,少數的男工跟 native american通婚生子,
記得在 1930年左右,亞裔仍不能擁有土地,奴工就該有奴工的
[ 配樂:Fort Minor, Kenji ] ,其他膚色相近的亞洲人同受其
( 此時全美亞裔不滿五十萬人 )
抗,有少數街頭衝突( Hate Crime ),白人為主的政治圈袖手旁
1992 LA 大爆動,從白人警察對非裔的爆動事件,演變成非裔對
199x年代,一件在Seattle,WA的種族歧視官司( 奴工跟本地勞工
同工不同籌、居住環境也有差 ),從1970年代一直打到90年代仍
2006年,全美亞裔占總人口的 5 %以上,UC Berkeley Irvine等
校的亞裔學生占全校人數的 50%以上,亞裔有了自己的市長、州
長、參議員、眾議員幫忙發聲, ptt有人在問,華人為什麼衝不
破中國城的問題。( 非針對本文 )
Kenji by Fort Minor
My father came from Japan in 1905
He was 15 when he immigrated from Japan
He, he... he worked until he was able to buy this patch
And build a store
Let me tell you the story in the form of a dream,
I don't know why I have to tell it but I know what it means,
Close your eyes, just picture the scene,
As I paint it for you, it was World War II,
When this man named Kenji woke up,
Ken was not a soldier,
He was just a man with a family who owned a store in LA,
That day, he crawled out of bed like he always did,
Bacon and eggs with wife and kids,
He lived on the second floor of a little store he ran,
He moved to LA from Japan,
They called him 'Immigrant,'
In Japanese, he'd say he was called "Issei,"
That meant 'First Generation In The United States,'
When everyone was afraid of the Germans, afraid of the Japs,
But most of all afraid of a homeland attack,
And that morning when Ken went out on the doormat,
His world went black 'cause,
Right there; front page news,
Three weeks before 1942,
"Pearl Harbour's Been Bombed And The Japs Are Comin',"
Pictures of soldiers dyin' and runnin',
Ken knew what it would lead to,
Just like he guessed, the President said,
"The evil Japanese in our home country will be locked away,"
They gave Ken, a couple of days,
To get his whole life packed in two bags,
Just two bags, couldn't even pack his clothes,
Some folks didn't even have a suitcase, to pack anything in,
So two trash bags was all they gave them,
When the kids asked mum "Where are we goin'?"
Nobody even knew what to say to them,
Ken didn't wanna lie, he said "The US is lookin' for spies,
So we have to live in a place called Manzanar,
Where a lot of Japanese people are,"
Stop it don't look at the gunmen,
You don't wanna get the soldiers wonderin',
If you gonna run or not,
'Cause if you run then you might get shot,
Other than that try not to think about it,
Try not to worry 'bout it; bein' so crowded,
Someday we'll get out, someday, someday.
As soon as war broke out
The G.I came and they just come to the house and
"You have to come"
"All the Japanese have to go"
They took Mr. Lee
People didn't understand
Why did they have to take him?
Because he's an innocent labourer
So now they're in a town with soldiers surroundin' them,
Every day, every night look down at them,
From watch towers up on the wall,
Ken couldn't really hate them at all;
They were just doin' their job and,
He wasn't gonna make any problems,
He had a little garden with vegetables and fruits that,
He gave to the troops in a basket his wife made,
But in the back of his mind, he wanted his families life saved,
Prisoners of war in their own damn country,
What for?
Time passed in the prison town,
He wanted them to live it down when they were free,
The only way out was joinin' the army,
And supposedly, some men went out for the army, signed on,
And ended up flyin' to Japan with a bomb,
That 15 kiloton blast, put an end to the war pretty fast,
Two cities were blown to bits; the end of the war came quick,
Ken got out, big hopes of a normal life, with his kids and his wife,
But, when they got back to their home,
What they saw made them feel so alone,
These people had trashed every room,
Smashed in the windows and bashed in the doors,
Written on the walls and the floor,
"Japs not welcome anymore."
And Kenji dropped both of his bags at his sides and just stood outside,
He, looked at his wife without words to say,
She looked back at him wiped the tears away,
And, said "Someday we'll be okay, someday,"
Now the names have been changed, but the story's true,
My family was locked up back in '42,
My family was there it was dark and damp,
And they called it an internment camp
When we first got back from camp... uhh
It was... pretty... pretty bad
I, I remember my husband said
"Are we gonna stay 'til last?"
Then my husband died before they close the camp.
※ 編輯: HYL 來自: (08/18 01:10)
記錯了 13%是 SF這邊的人數,全國是 5%
順便一提,七年(還是六年?) 一次的全美普查又開始了,我有收到
※ 編輯: HYL 來自: (08/18 02:05)
: 上次去SF玩
: SF真的是一個大城市
: 有很多不同膚色髮色的人 不同族裔的比比皆是
: 身為台灣人的我 當然會特別注意黃種人黃皮膚黑頭髮的人
: 有些人的臉真的很明顯
: 一看就知道是日本人或韓國人
: 有些人就不太好分 可能是華人或其他國家的人
: 只是這些亞裔的人 可能是留學生 也可能在這落地生根N代了
: 即使是華人 也不一定會說中文了 即使會說 也不一定說"普通話"
: 我在中國城去某家餐廳點了杯珍珠奶茶
: 這家餐廳是廣東人開的 整間竟然都是廣東話交談
: 沒看到半個西方人
: 我去點飲料時 我用破破的英文點 老闆竟然聽不懂
: 我再用普通話點 他只會說普通話的"聽不懂"
: 搞到最後 才知道他只會說廣東話
: 心裡不禁有點驚訝也有點感傷
: 這座城裡面的人 一輩子的生活圈是不是都只在這裡呢?
: 華人到外國 為了保有自己的文化和生活方式
: 就建立起了自己的中國城
: 可是相對的 這是一種隔閡
: 尤其對老一點的人來說 他們搞不好都不曾離開這裡也不一定
美國社會( 如果真有這東西存在的話 )的途逕建了道城牆,把外
後來我看了本書 Asian American Dream By Helen Zia,才發覺
我用的是台灣人( 外人 )片面、以現今這個時間點的觀點,去看
有引進男工沒女工,少數的男工跟 native american通婚生子,
記得在 1930年左右,亞裔仍不能擁有土地,奴工就該有奴工的
[ 配樂:Fort Minor, Kenji ] ,其他膚色相近的亞洲人同受其
( 此時全美亞裔不滿五十萬人 )
抗,有少數街頭衝突( Hate Crime ),白人為主的政治圈袖手旁
1992 LA 大爆動,從白人警察對非裔的爆動事件,演變成非裔對
199x年代,一件在Seattle,WA的種族歧視官司( 奴工跟本地勞工
同工不同籌、居住環境也有差 ),從1970年代一直打到90年代仍
2006年,全美亞裔占總人口的 5 %以上,UC Berkeley Irvine等
校的亞裔學生占全校人數的 50%以上,亞裔有了自己的市長、州
長、參議員、眾議員幫忙發聲, ptt有人在問,華人為什麼衝不
破中國城的問題。( 非針對本文 )
Kenji by Fort Minor
My father came from Japan in 1905
He was 15 when he immigrated from Japan
He, he... he worked until he was able to buy this patch
And build a store
Let me tell you the story in the form of a dream,
I don't know why I have to tell it but I know what it means,
Close your eyes, just picture the scene,
As I paint it for you, it was World War II,
When this man named Kenji woke up,
Ken was not a soldier,
He was just a man with a family who owned a store in LA,
That day, he crawled out of bed like he always did,
Bacon and eggs with wife and kids,
He lived on the second floor of a little store he ran,
He moved to LA from Japan,
They called him 'Immigrant,'
In Japanese, he'd say he was called "Issei,"
That meant 'First Generation In The United States,'
When everyone was afraid of the Germans, afraid of the Japs,
But most of all afraid of a homeland attack,
And that morning when Ken went out on the doormat,
His world went black 'cause,
Right there; front page news,
Three weeks before 1942,
"Pearl Harbour's Been Bombed And The Japs Are Comin',"
Pictures of soldiers dyin' and runnin',
Ken knew what it would lead to,
Just like he guessed, the President said,
"The evil Japanese in our home country will be locked away,"
They gave Ken, a couple of days,
To get his whole life packed in two bags,
Just two bags, couldn't even pack his clothes,
Some folks didn't even have a suitcase, to pack anything in,
So two trash bags was all they gave them,
When the kids asked mum "Where are we goin'?"
Nobody even knew what to say to them,
Ken didn't wanna lie, he said "The US is lookin' for spies,
So we have to live in a place called Manzanar,
Where a lot of Japanese people are,"
Stop it don't look at the gunmen,
You don't wanna get the soldiers wonderin',
If you gonna run or not,
'Cause if you run then you might get shot,
Other than that try not to think about it,
Try not to worry 'bout it; bein' so crowded,
Someday we'll get out, someday, someday.
As soon as war broke out
The G.I came and they just come to the house and
"You have to come"
"All the Japanese have to go"
They took Mr. Lee
People didn't understand
Why did they have to take him?
Because he's an innocent labourer
So now they're in a town with soldiers surroundin' them,
Every day, every night look down at them,
From watch towers up on the wall,
Ken couldn't really hate them at all;
They were just doin' their job and,
He wasn't gonna make any problems,
He had a little garden with vegetables and fruits that,
He gave to the troops in a basket his wife made,
But in the back of his mind, he wanted his families life saved,
Prisoners of war in their own damn country,
What for?
Time passed in the prison town,
He wanted them to live it down when they were free,
The only way out was joinin' the army,
And supposedly, some men went out for the army, signed on,
And ended up flyin' to Japan with a bomb,
That 15 kiloton blast, put an end to the war pretty fast,
Two cities were blown to bits; the end of the war came quick,
Ken got out, big hopes of a normal life, with his kids and his wife,
But, when they got back to their home,
What they saw made them feel so alone,
These people had trashed every room,
Smashed in the windows and bashed in the doors,
Written on the walls and the floor,
"Japs not welcome anymore."
And Kenji dropped both of his bags at his sides and just stood outside,
He, looked at his wife without words to say,
She looked back at him wiped the tears away,
And, said "Someday we'll be okay, someday,"
Now the names have been changed, but the story's true,
My family was locked up back in '42,
My family was there it was dark and damp,
And they called it an internment camp
When we first got back from camp... uhh
It was... pretty... pretty bad
I, I remember my husband said
"Are we gonna stay 'til last?"
Then my husband died before they close the camp.
※ 編輯: HYL 來自: (08/18 01:10)
推 nity:推這篇 用另一種角度看事情 08/18 01:12
推 holoman:亞裔沒這麼多吧 前兩天看報紙亞裔4%多 13%跟黑人差不多了 08/18 01:56
記錯了 13%是 SF這邊的人數,全國是 5%
順便一提,七年(還是六年?) 一次的全美普查又開始了,我有收到
※ 編輯: HYL 來自: (08/18 02:05)
推 NEWORDER:好文 08/18 12:32
推 blackkey:推 歷史背景 08/18 23:05
推 marathons:華工建鐵路從加州建到猶他州才與東岸來的鐵路接軌. 08/13 15:01
→ marathons:美國的人口全面普查十年一次,在個位數為0的年份舉辦. 08/13 15:03
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