基督城泰國餐廳招短期服務生 - 紐澳

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2013-04-07T12:41

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my friend's Thai restaurant is looking for a service staff to cover
annual leave for at least 4 weeks, please see detail below

Restaurant Location:

Papanui, Christchurch

Work Commencement Date & Working Hours:

4/8 ~ 4/14 Till and Menu Training by arrangement

4/15 ~ 5/26 4:00pm ~ 9:00pm (or 9:30) (Actual Work Starts)

Hourly Rate:



1 Dinner meal


English communication skills.

Good customer service skills.

Preferably you're able to work 7 days during that period.

My friend needs someone in urgent. If you are interested, please contact me
on the information below. I will meet you first to get a CV from you, and
then arrange some time to take you to my friend's restaurant for further
My friend said that it's possible to still work there after 26th May as he
always needs some part time staff.


Selena 021 806 869
Text is acceptable.
It's likely that I will meet with you at South City Mall at lunch time.

等待是一種執著 守候是一種關懷
在那黃昏的海邊 看著潮起潮落

過的平安快樂 就算沒想起過我

Tags: 紐澳

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徵智慧型手機 (Perth city)

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2013-04-06T18:57
我的s2掛點了....徵一隻智慧型手機 偏好samsung s1,s2,note1,note2, iphone4s亦可 因為沒有手機沒辦法聯絡,麻煩請私訊給我或MAIL:b91051xxatgmail.com 來信請附上手 ...

是否需要辦debit card?

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2013-04-06T18:07
※ [本文轉錄自 WorkanTravel 看板 #1HN_CmZZ ] 作者: dickiong (小洋) 看板: WorkanTravel 標題: [問題] 是否需要辦debit card? 時間: Sat Apr 6 18:04:29 2013 原本打算辦debit ...

徵伴 - 四月七號 1615 (CX 405)到布里斯班飛機

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2013-04-05T23:09
我主要是去參加 conference,看有沒有板友也是搭這班飛機的, 要不要一起搭飛機過去,比較不會無聊 ps. 我是男的 --

請問從chatswood到st leonards 車票

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2013-04-05T19:10
想請問一下,最近因工作的關係每天會從 chatswood 到 st leonards 目前都是買 weekly ticket 不過朋友跟我說好像沒有賣那麼短程的 weekly ticket 所以我們都是�� ...


Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2013-04-05T18:29
Hi 小弟去年是背包客,目前是在伯斯念書的學生,如果有背包客即將來伯斯工作的 需要有人接機,歡迎跟我聯絡 路途上如有任何疑問~~不論工作或是住� ...