墨爾本地震 - 雪梨

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2009-03-06T21:23

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※ 引述《blackapple (黑色蘋果)》之銘言:
: 就在剛才
: (怎麼辦,我竟然一點都不害怕,只有好熟悉的懷念感)
: (這就是從雪梨搬來墨爾本的附加條件嗎???終於有地震了!!!(爆))

Earth tremor rocks Melboure, no reports of injuries
By staff writers and wires

* 4.6 earth tremor rocks Melbourne
* No reports of injuries, major damage
* SES inundated with phone calls

FRIGHTENED Victorians were left shaken by an earthquake measuring 4.6 on the
Richter Scale and spanning more than 200km tonight.

Police were flooded with calls from hundreds of worried residents from north
of Melbourne to Sale in Gippsland after the earth shook for a few seconds
just after 9pm.

The epicentre hit just north of Korumburra in South Gippsland, but the
earthquake was powerful enough to shake buildings and cause some residents to
fall off their couches in metropolitan Melbourne.

Some homes around Korumburra and Leongatha lost power for up to 10 minutes.

A Victoria Police spokeswoman said there were no reports of any injuries or
property damage.

Phil Cummins, duty seismologist at Geoscience Australia, which monitors
earthquake activity, confirmed the tremor measured 4.6.

"It was certainly a moderate earthquake that was likely to be felt across a
wide area but is unlikely to have caused any damage, except possibly some
minor damage near the epicentre,'' Mr Cummins said.

Korumburra Hotel bar worker Kylie Luttrel said she thought the pub had been
hit by a truck.

"We get lots of trucks through here, so when the earth started shaking, my
first thought was that a truck was about to smash through,'' Ms Luttrel said.

But she said patrons remained calm, and nothing had been damaged.

"Nobody screamed, but everybody was a little anxious.''

For full local coverage go to the Herald Sun

A spokeswoman for Victoria Police said the incident had also been reported to
the police but she advised members of the public to only dial triple-0 in an
emergency situation.

Micro-blogging site Twitter was abuzz with activity following the earthquake
with users posting more than 72 tweets per minute as of 9.40pm.

Most were just shocked, however some were reporting damages to their homes.

"I spend all that time in Japan, and I get my first earthquake in Melbourne.
Really, what are the odds? Anyone?" said @deedwithoutname.

"A 3m length of cornice now has also come away from the wall a little - maybe
a 2mm wide crack," said @cameronstewart.

主選單 分組討論區 國家研究院 科學學術研究院 ─┐
│ ┌ TY_Research 大氣科學、天氣學
│ ┌ 天文.地球.環境科學研究院 → ├ sky 天文學、太空科學
│ │ ├ Ecophilia 生態、環境
└→ ┤ └ Geography 地理


All Comments

Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2009-03-10T02:30
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2009-03-12T19:22
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2009-03-12T23:17
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2009-03-13T13:48
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2009-03-18T03:59
sky news說這次震央深度只有10KM !
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2009-03-21T21:39
忽略掉了 囧


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2009-03-06T18:58
As title. 中華隊逆轉勝的話我請有推文的人吃飯, 暫定Sunflower. 中華隊加油!加油、加油、加油! 打敗南韓。 PS. 我在雪梨,所以不在雪梨的只好說so ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2009-03-06T17:58
就在剛才 (怎麼辦,我竟然一點都不害怕,只有好熟悉的懷念感) (這就是從雪梨搬來墨爾本的附加條件嗎???終於有地震了!!!(爆)) --


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2009-03-06T16:03
之前去了一趟雪梨跟坎培拉~~ 線自看到大家寫的東西 忽然好像在去逛逛澳洲~~ 上次的自由行 真是特別!! 呵呵~~ -- 每當我孤單寂寞時 ...

GPA 與 申請

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2009-03-06T10:48
看到前面幾篇因為GPA不佳 而考慮八大以外的學校的文章, 突然有感而發...希望這篇文章可以激勵因為GPA而沮喪的版友們! 雖然我讀的是國立大學 但� ...


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2009-03-06T09:56
[澳洲] 澳洲廣角第078集 新唐人電視 www.ntdtv.com 2005-9-2 20:43 【新唐人】各位觀眾大家好,又到澳洲廣角節目時間了, 對於南半球的澳大利亞來說,�� ...