墨爾本英語會話教學 - 墨爾本

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2013-03-26T19:00

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Name:Jordan Elwell
Email:[email protected]
Phone: +61(0)497831925

TESOL Certified & Experienced English Tutor

Hi! My name is Jordan and I am a native-speaking TESOL certified private English tutor. I offer lessons in one or two hour periods where we'll work on pronunciation, conversation, job-related English, or anything else you would like help with!

My tutoring sessions are structured, but practical. We'll decide together what's most important for you to practice and move forward from there.

I have two years of classroom teaching experience in Seoul, South Korea. During this time, my teaching focused on conversational coaching and day-to-day English. I believe in mastering language practically, which means we will spend more time in directed conversation than we will in a textbook.

If you're interested in meeting, please email, text or call me! I have a flexible schedule and am located centrally in Melbourne. I charge an hourly rate of $25. My email address is [email protected] and my phone number is 0497 831 925.

Thanks, and have a great day!^^

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Then you may start, cheers. :) BY 澳紐板板主


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墨爾本Red Pepper Indian Restaurant-推!

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2013-03-25T21:22
一份12塊澳幣(~360台幣)的印度咖哩,我知道看起來還是貴, 但是以澳洲墨爾本的物價水準,應該算實惠了吧! 重點是環境、氣氛不錯而且食物也道地好吃 ...

墨爾本Fitzroy Gardens-充滿驚喜的花園

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2013-03-24T23:14
敬請移駕圖文網誌版: http://robinlee528.pixnet.net/blog/post/48947560 以下為PTT文字版: 上一篇說到在州議會吃了閉門羹,結果意外多出一大段空檔, 再度抽出� ...

墨爾本Carlton Gardens-世界遺產級的花園

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2013-03-24T02:00
敬請移駕圖文網誌版: http://robinlee528.pixnet.net/blog/post/48940720 以下為PTT文字版: 結束了刺激好玩的and#34;看守所逮捕體驗and#34;和不見天日的監獄參觀後, ...

墨爾本舊監獄Old Melbourne Gaol 當囚犯!

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2013-03-23T01:42
來墨爾本舊監獄參加難得的and#34;看守所逮捕體驗and#34;吧! 敬請移駕圖文網誌版: http://robinlee528.pixnet.net/blog/post/48933552 以下為PTT文字版: 離開了大型�� ...

St Kilda治安與交通問題

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2013-03-23T00:22
大家好, 我過一陣子要去墨爾本幾天, 目前正在找旅館, CBD附近的旅館好像都有點貴, 所以我往外圍找, 目前找到St Kilda區好像有比較便宜的旅館, ...