學生簽證規定的上課時數 - 澳洲

William avatar
By William
at 2009-10-01T18:26

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※ 引述《love0210 (信念)》之銘言:
: 我想請問
: 澳洲的學生簽證有規定上課的課程數目嗎?
: (我印象中是規定 每學期要修四門課...)
: 可是我有同學因為暑修 所以只修了三門課的
: 也有同學因為有一科被當畢不了業 所以只好延畢 整學期只修一科...
: 所以..
: 有暑修 或者被當 每學期就不一定要修四門課 是這樣嗎?
: 我目前剩下三門課要修
: 打算暑修兩科 下學期再修一門 可是又怕這樣違反規定?...
: 有人知道正確答案嗎?
: 謝謝

for the Higher education student VISA, you have to finish your course
within teh duration stated on your offer letter or the duration of your eCOE.
Normally, you have to study as a "full" time students.
Becasue of the new National Code, you can take less
than full time load as long as you finish within the VISA duration.

International students can take only one unit/subject per semester now.
However, that subject has to be "ON CAMPUS".

I used to work in the Internatioanl division and now am a student advisor
in the faculty. Hope this clear a bit... and sorry for the English. Get used
to speak and type in English.

Tags: 澳洲

All Comments

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2009-10-04T05:38
thanks =)
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2009-10-08T03:33
請問有文中提到的new National Code來源嗎? 謝謝
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2009-10-09T12:18
you can access the ISANA website. it is a very good
Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2009-10-12T23:30
resource for you to understand things. there is one
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2009-10-14T06:16
link http://www.isana.org.au/NcTutorial/index.htm
which will show you the info about National Code
Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2009-10-18T17:27
and your situation will be covered in standerd 9

在台灣可以收看澳洲的ABC 1頻道嗎

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2009-10-01T11:03
我們台灣有一位女國手 到澳洲去踢足球 我跟足球界的朋友都很想看她的首場比賽 比賽時間是週六 的 W-leauge節目 爬問看四月多的文章說SOP等軟體都�� ...

關於無線網路卡 和 澳洲3G網路的介紹

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2009-09-30T23:14
如果我沒有誤會的話,板主要問的應該是說 你現在手上已經有一隻USB的3G網卡,是不是帶到澳洲也可以用? 沒錯,你只需要一張澳洲的3G SIM卡插進去�� ...


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2009-09-30T20:48
台灣的sim卡目前沒有開放國際漫遊嗎 也就是說 即使你想花大錢使用 似乎也無法開通 就算可以使用 費用很驚人喔 可以用的 是主機而已 如果型號� ...


Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2009-09-30T20:45
※ 引述《love0210 (信念)》之銘言: : 我想請問 : 澳洲的學生簽證有規定上課的課程數目嗎? : (我印象中是規定 每學期要修四門課...) 是的,每學期四門 � ...


Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2009-09-30T20:41
http://www.wageline.qld.gov.au/index.html 這是QLD的 各行各業 最低薪水 你找一下你大概是哪一類囉 如果是ful time 時薪來本就會比較低 因為有員工福利(像是�� ...