家鄉/空氣污染英文簡答問題 - 空氣污染

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2014-06-12T00:00

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I reckon that many things are related to air pollution,but there are two main causes of this problem.One is the cars and motorcycles on the streets.They produce so many poisons and greenhouse gases.The other is the factories.They also create pollution.
My hometown is a fast-paced society,and it is always crowded with workers,students and tourists.It is very convenient to live in there because there is public transportation.
In my hometown, people live in a very fast-paced society.
In my hometown和society. 想請問是否語意重複
2 個已更新項目:
I "believe" that many "issues can trigger"~
3 個已更新項目:
Many things cause air pollution, but two ofwhich stand out most: transportation and industrial activity. 照理說which做關代就有連接詞的功能

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Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2014-06-15T11:53
感於你的好學,趁著週末多與你研究研究吧,不過為篇幅故,只討論第一段 1. 第一句的 are related to 就有商榷餘地,空氣污染和大眾運輸及重工業是周知的 cause and effect (因果關係),甚至你就直接用 many thingscause air pollution 也沒關係 2. be related to 用在因果關係沒那麼明顯之處,如例句:High vitamin D levels are related to better survival in thosewith breast cancer. (維他命D和乳癌存活率有某種程度的關聯,但不能說多吃前者,乳癌就能治好,所以用related to)
3. I reckon or I think 這種沒必要就拿掉,你寫的句子一定是你的觀點,不證自明 4. ..but there are two main causes of thisproblem. 結構太鬆散,跟前半句再整合如Many things cause air pollution, but two of which stand out most. 5. cars and motorcycles? What about trucks? On the streets? Of course, where else can they be? 改用 general term 如 motor vehicles 或 transportation 更佳,例如 Transportation is the largest single source of air pollution in theUnited States. 這種說法 6. They produce so many poisons and greenhousegases. “Poisons” 有點太過 overstated,改成 harmful 較客觀 不過最後我會縮成如下一個句子:Many things cause air pollution, but two ofwhich stand out most: transportation and industrial activity.
2014-06-14 07:09:29 補充:
but 拿掉也無妨,只是語意邏輯的對比 many <-> a few (two),做為你後面只提(最重要)這兩點的鋪陳.
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2014-06-16T07:07
I "believe" that many "issues can trigger" air pollution, but there are two main causes "to" this problem. One "of the causes is" the cars and motorcycles on the streets. They produce "large amounts of poisonous and harmful" greenhouse gases "into the atmosphere." The other "cause is the factories. They also create pollution.
In my hometown, people live in a very fast-paced society. It is always crowded with students, workers and tourists. It is very convenient to live there because "of the good" public transportation.
2014-06-13 22:18:44 補充:
hometown 是家鄉 society是社會 是不一樣的意思但是有語意重複。更改我的句子 (People live very fast-paced in my hometown.)
issues compared to "things" things 是東西 用詞不是很好聽 而既然你要表達的是問題 那為何不使用issues呢?
這只是我個人的意見做為參考。hope that answers your question!


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2014-06-02T00:00


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2014-05-12T00:00
環保團體與民進黨立委舉行記者會,批評台灣空氣污染嚴重。民進黨立委劉建國說,若比較兩岸大都市的空汙,中 ...


Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2014-04-23T00:00
在蘋果日報上看到一則關於PM2.5的空汙新聞說台灣嘉義因為重工業加上大陸霾害的關係空氣污染很糟有點擔心小朋� ...


Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2014-03-14T00:00
內惟菜市場騎機車進去的一堆,造成人車爭道,空氣污染、爭執多,逛菜市場還會被機車叭,被罵擋路,感覺很差 ...


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2014-02-21T00:00
請問空氣污染鼻子會過敏,除了戴口罩和防毒面具,還有其他方法嗎?圖片參考:http:/ews.xinhuanet.com/photo/2013-01/15/12423 ...