將軍澳中心三房兩廳找室友 - 香港

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2017-09-23T22:18

Table of Contents


詳細介紹如下,意者請寄信到[email protected] 謝謝!

The overall residential area is quite new and neat with the flat recently
repainted. Can reach the TKO waterfront park in walking distance!
We have a huge open space of living room/dining rooms. The flat is facing
southeast so you can see the ocean view through windows and get sufficient
natural light.

There is also a proper-size bathtub in the bathroom. And it is close to the
popcorn mall, Wellcome, a wet market, and the bus terminal. Single bed frame
with mattress, kitchen appliances, dining table/chairs, washing/drying
machine, fridge are included.

A female flatmate preferable. No smoking. No pets. You will live with two
girls, one graduate student who is working at the same time. and another has
a full-time job in HKUST. You will share the bathroom with ONE girl only!
We are looking for someone who is easy going and would like to maintain the
place nice and clean together.

Price: 7200 HKD per month (bills not included)
Agent fee: 3600 HKD
Deposit: 2 months
Level: mid-level of 53 floors
Available NOW
12 months minimum stay

Please drop me a line if you are interested to see the flat. Thank you!

Tags: 香港

All Comments

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2017-09-28T08:48


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2017-09-22T15:37
小弟買了後天9/24星期日的機場快線票單程票兩張(限機場取票),可是耍笨了,忘記先在 機場取票就前往市區,此票無法在九龍或香港取票,請問可以轉讓別人嗎?還是兌換時一 定要出示預定人的身分證件?如果能贈送就贈給有緣人了(站內信),謝謝。 - ...


Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2017-09-22T06:48
各位好~ 事情是這樣的! 我是在香港出生,台灣長大的~ 我有香港永久居民身分證(但遺失了),也有設籍台灣並領有中華民國護照 想請問大家的是: 我是否可以申請「台灣居民預辦入境登記」,然後加上中華民國護照成功入境香港呢? 不知道有沒有版友有同樣或類似的經驗可以解答我的疑惑? 謝謝:) - ...

明天要出發香港 港簽沒過 怎麼辦

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2017-09-21T23:19
我知道我實在太晚才發現 勿戰 家人台胞證過期了 結果沒想到港簽沒過 明天一早的飛機 請問大家該怎麼解決 除了放棄去香港的選項以外 有可能搭船去澳門當天辦好台胞證再回香港嗎? 還是香港機場內可以補辦台胞證(但他過期了)? 或者是香港機場當場再辦一次港簽看看(現在可以這樣嗎?) 或是直接改澳門 ...


Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2017-09-21T19:20
因為雙十連假要去香港, 想問一下有沒有人知道哪些玩具店值得去呢? 像是扭蛋、盒玩、公仔類(迪士尼、星戰、海賊) 設計師玩具(豆芽社長、山椒魚那類型的) 有上網做功課,大多都是說旺角或是玩具街, 不過並沒有太多關於店家的資訊, 也沒有找到哪些類型玩具會在哪些店家有賣, (可能我用的關鍵字錯誤?) 另外也想看看有 ...


Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2017-09-21T18:03
正好有公務行程要到香港, 僅有一天自由空檔,手邊大概剩300港幣左右, 想說還需要再換港幣嗎? 目前大概預計吃吃小吃,若有購物/買伴手禮的話,再使用信用卡, 這樣的金額是否差不多? 還是有建議要換到的數額呢? 感謝 - ...