對於FOB的歧視 - 文化差異

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2008-09-03T18:15

Table of Contents

First of all...Fob's are immigrants a.k.a. Fresh off the boat. There are many
kinds of fobs (i cant really take credit for this becuz i got this off a
site. I added some in)

- Besides your nationality, there is little to distinguish you from white
- Your significant other is not Asian and never has been
- You have few Asian friends, if any
- You are embarrassed at family events because you cannot speak your language
and everyone has to switch to English to communicate with you
- You have no idea that the other types of Asians on this list even exist
- You think Hello Kitty is dumb and do not know what Sanrio is
- You are the only Asian on this list that does not know what Bubble Tea is
- You drive a Ford or some other domestic car and if you drive a Honda, it is

- You claim yourself as Asian, but real Asians think you're whitewashed and
non-Asians see you as a foreigner. You fit in nowhere
- You have heard of Bubble Tea but have never actually had any
- You are confused about your cultural identity and express this frustration
through spoken word performances at your college
- You read A. magazine and think it's great
- You do not know who Leon, Aaron, Sammi, Hikki, or Kangta are
- You are only vaguely aware of the other Asians below

Yap (Young Asian Professional)
- You are in one of these professions:
a) Medicine / Pharmaceutical
b) Engineering
c) Finance
d) Investment Banking
e) Accounting
- Most of your wardrobe was purchased at Banana Republic
- You go to "mixers" on Thursday nights to meet other Yaps and talk about the
Dow Jones.
- You did exactly what your parents wanted you to do and as a result, your
life is hella boring
- Your apartment/home is decorated almost exclusively with stuff from Pier 1
- Your parents always talk to their friends about how much money you make. If
they don't, then you're a dissapointment

Fob (Fresh Off tha Boat)
- You were not born in America
- You know who Leon, Aaron, Sammi, Hikki, and Kangta are. In fact, you have
seen them at Atlantic City or Las Vegas recently
- You speak your native language fluently and so do all your friends
- You do not have any non-Asian friends
- Your parents do not speak any English
- When you speak English, you like to make everything plural
- You get extremely good grades in school
- You cannot dance
- Your fashion sense comes from whatever country you're from and you
incorporate nothing from American fashion into your wardrobe

- Your command of the English language is minimal and you don't care
- You like dim sum chicken feet
- You do not own a single CD, VCD, Video game, or DVD that isn't bootlegged
- Your only hangout is Chinatown
- All the lights in your house are fluorescent
- You dry your cloths outside your window
- You need a haircut
- You either smell like cigarettes or food

- You are an Asian-American or Twinkie who has recently "awoken"
- You have a newly found fetish of Asian girls/boys
- You have taken the Asian Studies course at college
- You are trying to learn as much as possible about your culture to make up
for your lifetime of trying to be white (Twinkie ; Banana) or Black (Chigger
; Tea egg)
- If you are lucky, you will grow to become Fobulous

Gangsta Fob (Fobsta)
- You have shot another Asian
- Your favorite hangout is a pool hall
- When you talk, you sound like a cross between a Fob and an urban black kid
- Your hair looks silly, but no one will tell you because you'll shoot them
- You have a serious gambling problem
- You are a Rice-boy, but your mods are cheap and are never painted to match
the rest of your car
- No one tells you your rice ride looks cheap because you'll shoot them
- You want to have a Tab girlfriend, but can only get Hoochie Tabs

Tab (Trendy Asian B*tch)
- You shop at A/X, Bebe and Club Monaco
- You only wear black and will occasionally wear white to "mix it up"
- You do not weigh more than 105 lbs
- You have never paid for dinner at a restaurant in your life
- Platform heels are your favorite
- You are a makeup expert, in fact, you appear completely flawless
- You do not smile in public
- You are the object of desire of all Asian men and you know it
- You smoke
- Your cell phone is completely customized
- On the inside flip of your cell phone is a sticker pic of you and your man
- Somewhere in your purse is a Sanrio item
- You only date Asian and will only date a boy with a nice car
- You are often seen with Rice-boys
- You never travel alone. You are either in the company of other Tabs or your
Rice-boy boyfriend

Hoochie Tab
- You are an import car model
- Your boobs are not real
- There are naked pictures of you floating around on the internet somewhere
- Stiletto heels are your favorite
- Your role models are Francine Dee and Kaila Yu
- Your boyfriend is a Gangsta Fob
- You cheat on your boyfriend
- Unlike most Asians, you do not do well in school

- You drive an Asian import. Usually a Honda or Acura
- Your souped up car (known as a Rice-ride or Rice-rocket) is unrecognizable
from it's original stock form
- Your exhaust pipe is big enough for your head to fit in
- The spoiler on your car looks like it was made by Boeing
- The interior of your car also looks like it was designed by Boeing
- You always drive like you are racing someone
- You are not afraid of dying in a crash, but you are afraid of speed bumps
and parking lot on-ramps
- The only other person besides yourself who can sit in your car is your 105
lbs Tab girlfriend. If anyone else sits in your car, the entire bottom of it
will be touching the ground
- Even though your car is a Honda, it goes faster and is worth more than a
Lotus Esprit
- If you drive a Civic, your dream car is a Supra. If you drive a Supra, your
dream car is a Skyline (which you can never have). Poor Rice-boy.

- You speak perfect English and you are fluent in your native language
- You have Asian friends as well as non-Asian friends
- You listen to Asian pop as well as American music
- You are equally aware of both popular American culture and Asian pop culture
- You are a good dancer
- You date Asian by choice even though you could rock the opposite sex of any
other race
- You are a good designer and have superior Html skills
- You have an Apt107 page AND an AA page and the guest books in both are
- For you, FOB stands for Fabulous Oriental Being
- You have lots of Asian pride

- A Filipino fob.
- Words that start with F tend to be pronounced with a P. (Fuck
you..Pobarized version: PUCK you)
- FUll accent

(from urban dictionary)


All Comments

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2008-09-04T10:34
push~ is AA still alive? Have not used it for 8 yrs
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2008-09-07T16:24
AA? AA的意思是Afican American耶 看craigslist可知
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2008-09-09T16:06
看完這篇 覺得亞洲人還真悲哀 =_=
Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2008-09-10T03:04
AA 是 Asian Avenue..九零年代的ABC跟CBC在玩的
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2008-09-14T14:43
想當初蕭亞軒剛出道的時候 在AA上還找的到他自己的page
Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2008-09-14T18:22
那時候黑人專用的是 bp, black planet... 同一家公司的產品
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2008-09-17T04:15
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2008-09-21T02:05
Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2008-09-24T10:30
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2008-09-26T20:54

不知道這樣算不算culture shock~關於戰 …

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2008-09-03T17:11
※ 引述《eugeon (eugeon)》之銘言: : 在台灣我比較有culture shock感覺的,就是跟原住民朋友相處的時候。 : 我一直以為原住民說話的腔調,是源自於母語的 ...

Sex and the city

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2008-09-03T01:35
看了之前吵的很紅的SATC電影版 我好奇去看了一些影集 感覺有些有點奇怪 有一集說 百分之八十五的男生都有包皮 所以我們不是婊子~ 另一個是夏綠蒂 ...


George avatar
By George
at 2008-09-02T09:47
我也有這種感覺:( 這種感覺很差 像一些ABC的朋友提到FOB就會嗤之以鼻地說 那她們有身分上的問題 英文講不好,etc 心理挺不是滋味的 想說你門父母當�� ...


Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2008-09-02T09:12
來美國五年多了,自己是亞洲人的身份沒感覺被歧視過, 但自己是FOB(Fresh Off the Boat)的身份卻是被歧視的非常明顯。 我先離題地自我介紹一下我的英文 ...


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2008-09-01T17:20
※ 引述《ShiningRuby (閃亮紅寶石女王)》之銘言: : 不見得所有的美國人都知道中西部究竟是哪些州-- : 如果一輩子都是待在東岸西岸或南邊的州,搞不清�� ...