布里斯本市區徵三明治手 薪優 (代PO) - 紐澳

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2013-10-17T20:04

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幫朋友代PO 請勿詢問我

Sandwich Hand in Brumby’s Go

Brumby’s Go (Myer Center branch) requires team oriented sandwich hand who
willing to go above and beyond to create excellent sandwichs.

You should be:
‧ Able to work from 6 a.m. till noon on weekdays
‧ Able to work for long-term
‧ Responsible
‧ Proven ability to communicate in English
‧ Eligible to work in Australia: Holding WH visa/ Student visa

How to apply :
To submit your application, bring it to the shop directly.
Please note your visa status and where you see this advertisement

The closing date will be in the end of Oct/2013.

如果沒有問題的話,請按 Ctrl + y 以刪除此注意事項。
Then you may start, cheers. :) BY 澳紐板板主

Tags: 紐澳

All Comments


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2013-10-15T23:27
Hello 版友們大家好~ 小弟目前預計11/2 會抵達Perth.. 但是到現在…我都還沒有決定,也沒有什麼想法… 以前出國出差都是一個公事包+簡單行李就出去了�� ...

Vodafone 門號轉讓 (布里斯本)

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2013-10-14T08:28
哈囉, 大家好 我準備要畢業了, 打算把剩下的九個月合約(2013. 11.10-2014. 8.10)轉讓 合約內容大概是: 1. 每月29元 (具有180元value 所以可以每個月用到180元) 2. ...


John avatar
By John
at 2013-10-09T19:03
AS TITLE 會問這個是因為之前在卡布丘的時候 可以跟他要辣味的 但是移動到VIC的WANDIN NORTH這裡 吃了兩間,兩間都說沒有辣味的(第二間還說之後都不會 ...


Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2013-10-09T02:46
日期:12/5 行程介紹: http://ppt.cc/2GPo 12月櫻桃季 半島初夏之戀~~ 鮮紅櫻桃~ 幻紫薰衣草~ 翠綠葡萄園~ 香甜草莓~ 蔚藍海水~ ...


Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2013-10-07T07:45
明年二三月會出國蜜月, 正在猶豫是歐洲或大洋洲... 爬文跟團去紐澳蜜月的不多, 有也是10天南島的團為主, 但我看紐澳團的花費跟其他歐洲行程差不多,� ...