幫忙翻譯成英文(關於空氣污染)~20點 - 空氣污染

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2008-06-14T00:00

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Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2008-06-14T12:44
In order to improve Hong Kong and the regional air innate nature, Hong Kong Special zone Government and Guangdong Provincial government achieve the mutual recognition in April, 2002, both sides can completely greatly diligently, in 2010 or before the region in the sulphur dioxide, the nitrogen oxide compound, may the inspiration suspended particle and the volatile organic compound withdrawal, take 1997 as the reference datum, reduces 40% separately, 20%, 55% and 55%.
If can achieve the above goal, not only can enable Hong Kong to achieve the present air innate nature target, moreover also can improve the entire bead triangle area greatly in the air innate nature and the area smog question.
In order to achieve above reduced a row of goal, the Guangdong port government has December drawn up the Zhujiang Delta area air innate nature management plan in, 2003 (“management plan”), and developed and under continually the environmental protection cooperation group in the Guangdong port has established the Zhujiang Delta air innate nature management and the supervisory sole responsibility group, followed up under this management plan each work.Region air innate nature monitor network establishes which under this management plan, already was comprehensive moves provides comprehensive and the accurate air innate nature material.
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2008-06-15T00:18
In order to improve Hong Kong and quality of regional air, the HKSAR government and Guangdong Government reached common understanding in April of 2002, both sides will try one's best, in or before 2010 area sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, can is it suspend particle and emission, volatility of organic compound to suck, regard 1997 as the datum of consulting, reduce by 40%, 20%, 55% and 55% separately. If can reach above-mentioned goals, not only can make Hong Kong reach the current air quality indicator but also will improve air quality and smog question in the district of the triangular area of whole pearl greatly.
For is it reduce goal of arranging while being above-mentioned to reach, Guangdong and Hongkong government make Zhujiang River Delta district air quality governing plan on will it be December 2003 (" governing plan ") ,And has developed continuously and established the air quality of Zhujiang River Delta to manage and control and specialize in the group with the environmental protection cooperative group in Guangdong and Hongkong, follow up every job under this governing plan. Regional air quality established monitor the network under governing plan this, have already operated it in order to offer the overall and accurate air quality materials in an all-round way now.


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2008-06-14T00:00
屋旁有塊長方形空地,依對角線畫分,分別屬於某財團與國有財產局。某財團則將該空地出租給人停車,因為車輛 ...


Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2008-06-14T00:00
水污染ˇ噪音污染ˇ垃圾污染ˇ土壤污染ˇ等....對我們有什麼影響?我只要什麼污染會造成什麼影響ˇ短短的1句話ˇ例 ...


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2008-06-10T00:00
現在是因為空氣污染太嚴重所以每當洗完早就要擦乳液來保護我們的皮膚??還是因為什麼原因??請大家幫幫我解答!! ...


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2008-06-08T00:00


George avatar
By George
at 2008-06-07T00:00
請問一下,相關資料,包括空氣污染防治人員訓練的資格.還有課程開始的時間(一定要今年的)如何報名~~~越詳細越 ...