幾句中翻英~~麻煩高手校正~~~ - 社會議題

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2011-05-24T00:00

Table of Contents

1. 我們在工作挑戰中,既要不斷發現問題,又要不斷解決問題。 In working challenges, we not only need to discover problems but keep solving them as well. 2. 法國是全球最大的電力出口國,而且零售電價是西歐最低廉的。 France is the largest exporter electricity in the world and the retail unit price is the lowest in the Western Europe. 3. 地球上的淡水,百分之七十用來灌溉,百分之二十用在工業,其餘的百分之 十供人畜使用。 Of all the fresh water on earth, 70% of it is used in agricultural irrigation, 20% of it in industry, and the remaining 10% of for human and animal consumption. 4. 所有的論文都必須經過委員會的審查通過才能發表。 All dissertations must be examined and proved by the committee before published. 5. 1990年代起,許多大學畢業生的第一志願是到科技公司工作,不但可分得紅 利和股票,還可共享許多台灣科技業在世界舞台第一的榮耀。 In the beginning of 90’s, many graduates’ top-notch choice is to work in technology companies, which provides them with bonus and shares. Moreover, workers can enjoy the glory that many Taiwan’s technology industry are world-renowned. 6. 女性不僅應該跨越傳統職業性別的鴻溝,更應該積極擁抱管理工作,和男性一較長短。 Women should break the old vocational gender barrier and embrace their jobs y to compete with men for management jobs. 7. 學生分成兩大類:一是為自己而讀書,知道為什麼要求學;另一種是為他人而讀書,不明白求學的目的何在。 There are two kinds of students: One is those who study for themselves and have clear purposes. The other is those who study for others and have no clear purposes. 8. 海洋生態館不僅滿足人類的好奇心,而且還提醒我們保育海洋的責任。 Aquarium could not only satisfy humans’ curiosity with content but remind them of the responsibilities for preserving marine environment. 9. 這家工廠製造的產品,不是品質比別家的不穩定,就是成本比別家的高。 Products made in the factory either end up unstable qualities or cost more than produced in other factories. 10. 根據勞工局的統計,失業率已達5.6%,失業人口也高達一百多萬人。 According the statistics from Labor Affairs Department, the unemployment rate has reached 5.6% and there are more than one million unemployed people. 11. 藝術教育的困境,多半不是兒童的創造力有問題,而是大人的觀念有問題。 The difficulty in art education is not because children have problems with creativity but adults have questionable concepts.

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Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2011-05-24T05:16
While we face challenges of work, continuously finding issues and solutions are going hand by hand.
France is the largest electricity exporter in the world but the retail price is the lowest in the West Europe.
3. 地球上的淡水,百分之七十用來灌溉,百分之二十用在工業,其餘的百分之十供人畜使用。
Of all the fresh water on earth, 70% of it is for agricultural irrigation, 20% of it is for industry, and the remaining 10% of it is for human and animal consumption.
4. (no change)
5. 1990年代起,許多大學畢業生的第一志願是到科技公司工作,不但可分得紅 利和股票,還可共享許多台灣科技業在世界舞台第一的榮耀。
In the beginning of 90’s, many college graduates’ top-notch choice is to work for technology companies, which provides them with bonus and shares. Moreover, workers can enjoy the glory of many Taiwan technology industries' world-renowned status.
6. 女性不僅應該跨越傳統職業性別的鴻溝,更應該積極擁抱管理工作,和男性一較長短。
Female should break the old vocational gender barrier, compete with their male counterpart, and embrace management jobs actively.
There are two kinds of students: One is those who study for themselves and have clear purposes. The other is those who study for someone else and have no clear purposes.
8. 海洋生態館不僅滿足人類的好奇心,而且還提醒我們保育海洋的責任。
Salt water aquarium is not only satisfying humans’ curiosity but also reminding us the responsibilities of preserving marine environment.
9. 這家工廠製造的產品,不是品質比別家的不穩定,就是成本比別家的高。
Products made by that factory either end up with unstable qualities or cost too much than other factories.
10. 根據勞工局的統計,失業率已達5.6%,失業人口也高達一百多萬人。
According the statistics from Labor Affairs Department, the unemployment rate has reached 5.6%, and it translates to more than one million unemployed people.
11. 藝術教育的困境,多半不是兒童的創造力有問題,而是大人的觀念有問題。
The difficulty in art education is not because children lack of creativity but adults have questionable concepts.
2011-05-25 05:05:50 補充:


Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2011-05-24T00:00
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Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2011-05-24T00:00
想與10~20位朋友到澎湖玩二日..但是不知道哪家價錢較合理?我想要有水上活動及夜釣小管還有要去雙心石滬...價錢� ...


Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2011-05-24T00:00
知識家就像一間課堂,各式各樣的同學都有,有的同學學識廣博,有的同學學有專精,有些同學像我一樣熱心,希 ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2011-05-24T00:00
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Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2011-05-24T00:00