急!!!一段英文,各位大大,拜託幫忙翻譯一下 - 社會議題

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2005-12-03T00:00

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They also discovered that the aging of the population was the primary factor influencing these trends and other changes in consumer preferences. The baby boomers, who in their twenties had been interested in jogging, running, aerobics, tennis, and “shooting a few hoops,” were getting older and had growing families, by the early 1990s the first wave of boomers was switching from individual sports to things that a family could do together, and many more were expected to follow in the coming decade. In addition, the young professionals who were just starting into business in the early 1990s had grown up wearing basketball and running shoes. This group was not willing to give up comfort and was demanding shoe styles that provided the comfort of outdoor shoes in styles that provided the comfort of outdoor shoes in styles that were acceptable for business. The growing numbers of retirees and senior citizens, who had never “adapted” to athletic footwear, were looking for a similar shoe for shopping and leisure activities.

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Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2005-12-07T05:54
They also discovered that the aging of the population was the primary factor influencing these trends and other changes in consumer preferences. 他們也發現人口的老化是影響這些趨勢和在消費者偏好的其他變化的主要因素。The baby boomers, who in their twenties had been interested in jogging, running, aerobics, tennis, and “shooting a few hoops,” were getting older and had growing families, by the early 1990s the first wave of boomers was switching from individual sports to things that a family could do together, and many more were expected to follow in the coming decade. 生育尖峰期出生的人,在他們20歲時 ,已經有興趣慢跑,運轉,有氧運動,網球, 變得老些並且都己成家,在90年代的早期之前,第一波生育尖峰期出生的人正從個人的運動改變到一個家庭能一同做的事情, 並且在下一個十年會有更多的人跟隨。In addition, the young professionals who were just starting into business in the early 1990s had grown up wearing basketball and running shoes. 另外,在20世紀90年代初剛開始從事生意的年輕專業人士是穿著籃球和跑鞋長大的。This group was not willing to give up comfort and was demanding shoe styles that provided the comfort of outdoor shoes in styles that provided the comfort of outdoor shoes in styles that were acceptable for business. 這個群組不願意放棄舒適, 並要求提供舒適又有型的戶外鞋, 也提供舒適又有型生意可接受的戶外鞋的鞋樣式。The growing numbers of retirees and senior citizens, who had never “adapted” to athletic footwear, were looking for a similar shoe for shopping and leisure activities. 日益增多的退休者老年人,這些人從未適應過運動鞋,也在購物和空閒活動時尋找一只相似的鞋。
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2005-12-07T20:39
他們也發現了人口的老化是影響這些趨勢和在消費者偏愛方面的其他改變的初期因素。 嬰兒潮世代,在他們的二十幾歲中已經對慢跑感興趣,流動的﹐好氧性的,網球,而且射擊一些箍,正在比較年長而且有成長的家庭,被嬰兒潮時期出生者的 1990 年代早期第一個波浪正在從個別的運動轉換為一個家庭可以一起做的事物,而且更多在即將來臨的十年內被期望跟隨。 除此之外,正在僅僅在 1990 年代早期內進入生意之內開始的年輕專業人士已經長大穿用的籃球和流動的鞋子。 這一個團體不是樂意的放棄安慰並且正在要求提供風格的戶外鞋子的安慰以提供風格的戶外鞋子的安慰以對生意是可接受的鞋風格。 退休人員和老人的成長數量,和他們從未適應
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2005-12-05T02:20
他們並且發現,人口的老化是主要因素影響這些趨向和其它變化在消費者優惠上。 小boomers,誰在他們的二十之內對跑步感興趣,跑,有氧運動,網球,並且“射擊幾個箍"變老和有增長的家庭,在90 年代初期以前boomers 第一波浪轉換從各自的體育對家庭能一起做的事,並且許多被預計隨後而來在以後的十年。 另外,是正義開始入事務在90 年代初期的年輕專家生長了佩帶的籃球和跑鞋。 這個小組不是願意放棄安慰和要求提供室外鞋子舒適在樣式提供室外鞋子舒適在樣式是可接受的為事務的鞋子樣式。 退休人員和年長公民的增加,誰“從未適應了"”運動鞋類,尋找一雙相似的鞋子為購物和娛樂活動。
有錯勿怪!! 從翻譯網找的。
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2005-12-06T11:11
他們並且發現, 人口的老化是主要因素影響這些趨向和其它變化在消費者優惠上。小boomers, 在他們的二十之內對跑步感興趣, 運行, 有氧運動,
網球, 和"射擊幾個箍," 變老和有增長的家庭, 在90 年代初期以前boomers 第一波浪轉換從各自的體育對家庭能一起做的事, 並且許多被預計隨後而來在以後的十年。另外, 是正義開始入事務在90 年代初期的年輕專家生長了佩帶的籃球和跑鞋。這個小組不是願意放棄安慰和要求提供室外鞋子舒適在樣式提供室外鞋子舒適在樣式是可接受的為事務的鞋子樣式。退休人員和年長公民, 的增加從未有"適應了" 運動鞋類, 尋找一雙相似的鞋子為購物和娛樂活動。


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2005-12-02T00:00
因為學校要我門這組發表省水報告但是,看了其他人的發表最佳回答幾乎都一樣有點不一樣的嗎?我們要是用來報�� ...


Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2005-12-02T00:00


Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2005-12-02T00:00
我想問環境汙染...因為我要交英文報告...我不知道如何下筆...因為範圍太廣了...環境汙染包括哪些?要如何分點報�� ...


Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2005-12-02T00:00


Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2005-12-02T00:00