急~!!心得翻譯請高手幫忙翻成英文拜託 - 社會議題

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2012-05-12T00:00

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街頭日記裡面談到因為種族的互相歧 視競爭 引發出一連串的鬥毆 槍殺事件但其實我認為他們本性也不壞 只是想要保護自己所以自然的認為同種族的人才懂自己 才明白自己的遭遇 痛苦之後在古艾琳老師的介入之下他們才漸漸明白 原來 不同種族的同學其實跟自己一樣身邊朋友死去 連每天出門都擔心自己會死其實大家都一樣 生活在壓力之中其實我認為今天如果艾琳是一位資深或是有教過書的老師 或許她就無法做到這樣的結果正因為她是新老師 思想沒有被限制 才能夠創新 以自己的方式去教學生雖然她一度也曾害怕 懷疑自己 但是她有種堅持直到被同學們的遭遇所震撼 覺得自己不能這樣退出 一定要想辦法幫助他們這樣的信念 讓她就算兼差也願意去付出 雖然一度還是痛苦到想退出 但是她父親成為了另一股支持的力量 讓她繼續走下去 直到成功 最後 我認為 遇見挫折 只要明白自己是作對的事情 就堅持下去相信一定會有好的事情發生

All Comments

William avatar
By William
at 2012-05-15T11:29
Freedom Writers

It talks about a series of fight, and Guns down because of segregation and competition between races. But, I think that their personalities are not that bad. What they do is to protect themselves. Hence, they think that only people fron the same race would understand themselves. So will they know their suffering.
After teacher Ku-Alin's intervention, they gradually know that in fact, classmates from different races are the same his himself. Friends passed away, and themselves even afraid that they would die when they go out everyday. That is, everybody is the same- live in pressure. I think if Alin is an experienced or those who have taught lessons. Maybe she wouldn't make it be. Because she is a novice teacher, her thought hasn't been limited. She can make something different, and teach students in her own way. Eventhough sha once afraid and doubt about herself if she has this kind of persistent. Until shocked by student's encounter, she know that she couldn't step out, and she must come up with a way to help them. With this belief, she is willing to do something even she has to take a part-time. Although she though of quit it. While, her father becomes another power of support, which make her go through her way until reach the success. At last, I think if you encounter challenges, if you know that you are doing the right thing, then be persistent. Something good will come to you.


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2012-05-12T00:00
3小�� ...


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2012-05-11T00:00
我的眼角膜潰傷 有一個白點
給診所看好兩次了 好不容易快好了
停點藥水一天! 又突然復發!! 還多長一個白點!!
因為我之� ...


Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2012-05-11T00:00
一、一般廢棄物:由家戶或其他非事業所產生之垃圾、糞尿、動物屍體等,足以污染環境衛生之 ...


Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2012-05-11T00:00
特徵眼睛上面 是紅的 ,瞳孔是黑� ...


Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2012-05-11T00:00
台灣民心動態調查:馬的執政不滿意度 67.5%, 滿意度 25.1%.馬的不信任度 57.4%,信任度 30.3%.一個剛連任當選的and#34;國家元首and#34;,第二任還沒就職前,有這樣a ...