急.....誰可以幫我翻譯贈20點!! - 社會議題

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2008-06-19T00:00

Table of Contents

1. Explain as clear as possible for why you want to take green chemistry, clean technology, and production courses. What you learn from these?
2. What is green chemistry for? Why we need these novel sciences and technologies, and what will be the impact of the concept and practice on society?
3. Give at least five examples of applications of the 12 basic principles of green chemistry. Write the benefits of the examples you name and explain why you believe be so?
4. What is your idea for the current difficulties of energy crisis? How can you think the way to solve it?
5. From your own professional training, what is the way for us to be a sustainable society? How can we achieve this goal?
6. Name at least three international protocols, treaties, or conventions relate to environment and/or ecological aspects. Explain briefly each of these and current situation of issues in Taiwan.

All Comments

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2008-06-22T12:53
Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2008-06-20T22:15
1. Explain as clear as possible for why you want to take green chemistry, clean technology, and production courses. What you learn from these?
A:儘可能解釋一樣清楚為為什麼您想要上綠色化學、清潔工藝, 和生產路線。您從這些學會什麼?
2. What is green chemistry for? Why we need these novel sciences and technologies, and what will be the impact of the concept and practice on society?
A:什麼是綠色化學為? 為什麼我們需要這些新穎的科學和技術, 並且什麼將是概念和實踐的衝擊對社會?
3. Give at least five examples of applications of the 12 basic principles of green chemistry. Write the benefits of the examples you name and explain why you believe be so?
A:舉出至少綠色化學的12 項基本原則的應用五個例子。寫您命名例子的好處並且解釋為什麼您相信是如此?
4. What is your idea for the current difficulties of energy crisis? How can you think the way to solve it?
A:您認為什麼是能源危機當前的困難? 您認為可以用什麼方式解決它?
5. From your own professional training, what is the way for us to be a sustainable society? How can we achieve this goal?
A:從您自己的專業培訓經驗來看, 什麼方式使我們是一個能承受的社會? 我們怎麼可以達到這個目標?
6. Name at least three international protocols, treaties, or conventions relate to environment and/or ecological aspects. Explain briefly each of these and current situation of issues in Taiwan.
A:給出至少三個國際協議, 條約, 或大會與環境並且解說生態學方面關係。簡要地解釋臺灣每個和這些問題的當前形勢。


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2008-06-19T00:00
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Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2008-06-19T00:00


David avatar
By David
at 2008-06-19T00:00
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Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2008-06-19T00:00
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Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2008-06-19T00:00