急!!請幫我~翻譯這小段關於溫室效應主題演講必須流暢 - 節約能源

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2005-12-09T00:00

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請幫我已較簡單通順流暢 翻成英文 我演講要用的!! 謝謝
溫室效應問題所以存在,主要由於人類經濟活動所需要的能源所致,其中又已含碳量高的化石能源最嚴重,因此要有效的舒緩溫室效應,有賴於兩個途徑1.節約能源或提高能源使用效率 2.採用低碳或無碳能源。

All Comments

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2005-12-09T16:18
The reason why greenhouse effects question exists、is caused by energy that the human economic activity needs mainly、among them the fossil energy already high in carbon is the most serious、so want effective releiving the greenhouse effects、depend on two ways 1 and economize the energy or improve energy service efficiency 2 Adopt the low carbon or not have carbon energy.
So can adopt the tactics of the conduct as follows :
A adjustment energy and power structure
2 strengthens and develops the alternative energy source、such as geothermol power 、wind energy 、solar energy 、natural gas
3 can invite the plan to economize to promote to strengthen
4 adjusts the industrial structure
5 encouraging industry persons develop the low consuming energy 、low industry that pollute、it eliminates in the industry polluted from even
2005-12-09 16:33:18 補充:
6 develops transportation systems of masses actively
7 expanding and afforesting、have priority to afforest
8 cooperates and is covered with the special basket protocol、Cheng、cut down C F C s and reduce the greenhouse effects gas according to controlling one
2005-12-09 16:35:49 補充:
9 strengthens one grade of economic inducements of regulation、encourage developing the environmental protection utensil、discard and discharge in order to cut down warmly
OK. from the moment that we do on one's body、lift a finger in daily life、in order to reduce the consumption of resources
2005-12-09 16:36:06 補充:
、do not buy the excessive products that pack 、rubbish amount of reduction 、walk or utilize more traffic systems of masseses more、economize on the electricity、reduce the cold heating using machine 、economize on the paper、multi-purpose recycled writing paper、cut few trees、and plant more flowers
2005-12-09 16:36:20 補充:
plants and trees 、reused by resources、retrieve regenerated resources、is it is it bring to do shopping to utilize more、little with plastic bag and repeated to is it use to retrieve、can prevent the plastic rubbish from incinerating
2005-12-09 16:36:27 補充:
、discharge C O 2 and poisonous gas 、do a good job of the classification of the rubbish、Taibei does this too right.
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2005-12-09T03:28
The green house effect problem so existence, main because of the energy that mankind's economic activities needs with the result that, among them and already contain the high fossil energy of the amount of carbon the most serious, so want the effectively slow green house effect, depend on two paths 1.economize the energy or raise the energy usage efficiency 2.adopt the low carbon or have no carbon energy.
So the strategy that can adopt is as follows:
1.adjust the energy and power supply structure
2.strengthen the development to act for the energy, for example subterranean heat,wind energy,solar energy,natural gas
3.strengthen the promotion economy and can invite the project
4.adjust the industrial structure
5.encourage the operator the development low consume the industry of ability,low pollution, also eliminate the high 浩 the ability the high and polluting industry
6.aggressive development public transport system
7.the extension is green to turn, having the initiative the forestation
8.does the concert receive especially the basket to negotiate the book, press the control term, pare?The CFCs also reduces the green house effect air
9.strengthen the economic inducement of the laws class, encourage to develop the environmental protection tool, to pare?Abandon to exhaust
2005-12-09 16:35:58 補充:
Certainly can also do from our body, want to attain in the daily life to be little effort for the sake of reducing the amount of depletion of the resource, don't purchase excessive packing of product,reduce the garbage the quantity,walk much or make
2005-12-09 16:36:25 補充:
use of the public more the transportation system, economy in electricity, reduce to use the cold warm air machine, economy with paper, use reborn paper more, chop down the tree less,also the variety plants the plants and lets the resource repetition used, recovering the reborn
2005-12-09 16:36:32 補充:
resource, making use of shopping more to bring, few use plastic bag and repeat the recovery the usage, can avoid the plastics garbage incinerating, eject the CO 2 and poisonous air, do the good garbage classification, Taipei City also makes this of good.


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2005-12-07T00:00


Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2005-12-05T00:00
要如何節約能源呢?? 需要資料的,越多越好喔。例如說:洗米水可以用來拖地,還有為什麼,這類的資料。


Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2005-12-02T00:00


Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2005-11-28T00:00


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2005-11-16T00:00