急...遇到有問題的老闆與法律問題 - 紐澳

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2009-04-12T23:52

Table of Contents

First, please forgive my poor spelling and grammar! >"<

something wrong with the chinese typing.

In your case, I am wondering what kind of contract that you've signed with

your boss? Did he tell you that is a trainning agreement?

"An employee is classed as an apprentice or trainee if their training is through

a registered state or territory training authority or under a relevant law.

An employee cannot be classed as a trainee, because they're new to the job."

According to the Australian Govt., if your boss told you it's a trainning

agreement; the contract is not validated.

Then lets take a look about the workplace agreement as follow!

Workplace agreements set out the conditions of employment between:

1. an employee or group of employees (Here you are!)
2. an employer.

All workplace agreements are written documents.

(Here I am not sure the signiture is necessary or not @ @, but generlly

documents without signiture do not have legal power!)

At the Workplace Authority, we offer free advice and help for all federal

workplace agreements.

All workplace agreements:

1. undergo the no-disadvantage test (if lodged since 28 March 2008)
2. must be approved voluntarily - no one can be forced to approve an agreement
3. override employment conditions created by most state or territory laws
4. don't override state or territory laws covering:
i)occupational health and safety
ii)workers' compensation
iii)child labour
iv)equal employment opportunity and discrimination
v)training arrangements.

In the end, you should ask your boss' legal counsellor to prove base on which

law and sector that the contract is automatically validated after publish

on the wall in the store.

Hopefully this can help you! If anyone find out the mistake; please inform me.

Tags: 紐澳

All Comments

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2009-04-17T22:58
BTW, you can call 1300 363 264 for govt. advice

<墨爾本> 驚豔的脆與勁-the quarter

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2009-04-12T10:36
※ [本文轉錄自 Food 看板] 作者: aristocratx (墨爾本5度c...) 看板: Food 標題: [食記] andlt;墨爾本andgt; 驚豔的脆與勁-the quarter 時間: Thu Apr 2 09:16:55 2009 餐 ...


Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2009-04-12T09:29
大家好,我有關於一些昆士蘭大學的附設語言學校問題想請教 已經有向代辦和在版上搜尋過資訊 大學附設的語言學校GE課程好像都是五周為一期 ...


Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2009-04-12T00:17
※ 引述《u8922016 (Oz guy)》之銘言: : 對於匯價這回事,只有兩種人 : 一種是不知道如何預測的人 : 一種是不知道自己其實不會預測的人 這個定義可能會� ...


Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2009-04-11T23:38
請問cereal和泡麵這兩種東西可以申報嗎, 還是算是禁止的呢 (看了幾次list還是不確定orz) 申報時需要隨身帶著給他們看嗎(像是個人藥品) 另外想請問關� ...


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2009-04-11T22:46
對於匯價這回事,只有兩種人 一種是不知道如何預測的人 一種是不知道自己其實不會預測的人 自己覺得可以接受就換吧 我不覺得你上來這裡聽一些意 ...