急需60份問卷, 請幫忙填寫一下!謝謝! - 紐澳

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2010-02-26T22:00

Table of Contents


大家好, 我是Monash的學生, 日前回台灣時supervisor託我協助調查
所以我找不到人來幫忙填寫 /_\ 如果你恰巧有空的話又善心大發, 拜託
請幫忙協助我完成這份問卷調查, 感激不盡!!! >~<
(願意協助的人可以直接回這篇文章then寄給我, 或是留下email我會寄word檔給你)
(煩請以英文回答, 感恩啊! 我的email:[email protected])

Questionnaire for learners of English in Taiwan

Student's age:
Male or female:
Number of years having learned English:

1. Do you consider yourself a quiet/passive student in class?

2. Are you quiet by nature or are you also verbally active depending
on the class circumstances? What are those circumstances?

3. Is it a good thing to be verbally active during lessons?

4. What conditions should the teacher provide to help you overcome
your passivity?

5. Should all teachers encourage students to participate in lesson
discussion? Why (not)?

6. Would students' spontaneous participation affect the traditional
role of the teacher? Please explain.

7. How do you like to participate? (ex. Wait for the teacher to call
you, raising your hand to volunteer, speak any time you feel you
have an idea, ask questions any time you need to ask, ask questions
only after class, etc.)

8. Do you feel that the traditional role of the teacher may affect
your active learning style? (ex. Are you afraid of the teacher?
When are you afraid?)

Tags: 紐澳

All Comments

William avatar
By William
at 2010-02-28T16:56


Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2010-02-26T18:27
不好意思我想要請問一下有關網路的問題 我在3/3即將出發到達爾文 就是網路一定要用他們當地的無線網卡嗎? 還是有可以用網路線的那種呢? 不好意思�� ...

Brisbane 房屋出租

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2010-02-25T21:40
代PO,請勿回信 1 room for rent at Paddington Centre (zone 2) * Location 5 mins to bus stop 385,375 (every 5 mins, N385 runs over night) 2 mins to shopping centre (Woolworth, bottle shop, caf ...


Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2010-02-25T20:54
請問一下Brisbane熟的朋友 在二月到六月 這邊有什麼職業運動可以看嗎? 我知道好像足球 橄欖球 籃球等等有職業賽 但是現在還在球季中的有哪些呢? ...

達爾文share house

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2010-02-25T00:19
我和朋友兩個女生 在3/3會出發到達爾文 會先住在hostel,然後再找share house 想要請問已在當地的朋友們知道 有沒有價為中等,交通方便的share house呢? 如果�� ...

已出租 布理斯本 Sunnybank Hills (zone4 Townhouse)(限女生)

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2010-02-24T22:12
Sunnybank Hills (zone4 Townhouse) 一間單人房出租 (限女生) 哈囉 妳好!! 誠租一名愛乾淨,不抽煙的女生, 隨時可入住 Hellawell Rd, Sunnybank Hills的Townhouse 住家環境� ...