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Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2011-03-13T00:00

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MAYA LIN在越戰紀念碑得獎時,反對聲浪排山倒海而來,自以為是越戰老兵和守舊頑固的保守派群起圍攻林瓔,甚至以種族歧視字眼「亞洲佬」(gook)罵她,他們都看不懂林瓔的設計圖,主辦紀念碑競圖的越戰退伍軍人協會背叛她,在紀念碑旁另加三個越戰軍人雕像和美國國旗,設計軍人雕像的菲特烈.哈特(紀念碑設計圖得第三名)獲三十萬元酬勞,林瓔只得二萬元,哈特還帶老婆去咆哮林瓔。保守派的德州大富翁裴洛(一九九二年競選總統)、尼克森的講稿撰述人派德.布坎南和小說家湯姆.伍夫等人大罵「亞裔女子」林瓔。幸好華盛頓郵報的建築評論家艾卡特和他的朋友茱迪絲.馬丁為林瓔仗義執言,以專家的立場嚴厲反駁保守派和越戰老兵,但林瓔的心裡已受到巨大的傷害,她很少再去華府看她的越戰紀念碑。

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Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2011-03-15T22:17
MAYA LIN winners in the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, the overwhelming opposition from, Vietnam veteran and conservative self-righteous conservatives into attack stubborn Maya Lin, and even racial terms "Asian guy" (gook) called her, they do not see Maya Lin's design to understand, monuments Competition organized by the Vietnam Veterans Association of betraying her, plus the monument next to the statue of three Vietnam soldiers and the American flag, designed the statue of Fredrick, accompanied soldiers. Hart (monument design was the third) were three hundred thousand yuan reward, only twenty thousand yuan Maya Lin, Hart also took his wife to the roar Maya Lin. The conservative Texas millionaire Perot (1992 run for president), Nixon's speech to pose people to send Germany. Tom Buchanan and novelist. Woof, who condemned the "Asian woman" Maya Lin. Fortunately, the Washington Post's architecture critic Yi Kate and his friend Zhu Disi. Maya Lin Martin to speak out, the position of an expert to refute the conservatives and the Vietnam veteran tough, but Maya Lin's heart has been heavy damage, she rarely saw her again the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington.
Maya Lin said she had designed monument, deliberately do not study the history of Vietnamese history and Vietnam War, not to think from the Asian point of view, while not the Vietnam War as a tragedy, but from the "death is a Glory" perspective on, he does not hastily destroy the natural environment of Washington Square, the principle of an extension to the underground monument, black marble tablets on the names of war dead. Almost all of the architecture and art critics all agree that Maya Lin's monument has created unprecedented design, the design of the monument is difficult to set the prices and the trademark of others, her "Vietnam Veterans Memorial" has become a symbol of immortality in art history.
Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2011-03-14T05:58
MAYA LIN winners in the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, the overwhelming opposition from, Vietnam veteran and conservative self-righteous conservatives into attack stubborn Maya Lin, and even racial terms "Asian guy" (gook) called her, they do not see Maya Lin's design to understand, monuments Competition organized by the Vietnam Veterans Association of betraying her, plus the monument next to the statue of three Vietnam soldiers and the American flag, designed the statue of Fredrick, accompanied soldiers. Hart (monument design was the third) were three hundred thousand yuan reward, only twenty thousand yuan Maya Lin, Hart also took his wife to the roar Maya Lin. The conservative Texas millionaire Perot (1992 run for president), Nixon's speech to pose people to send Germany. Tom Buchanan and novelist. Woof, who condemned the "Asian woman" Maya Lin. Fortunately, the Washington Post's architecture critic Yi Kate and his friend Zhu Disi. Maya Lin Martin to speak out, the position of an expert to refute the conservatives and the Vietnam veteran tough, but Maya Lin's heart has been heavy damage, she rarely saw her again the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington.
Maya Lin said she had designed monument, deliberately do not study the history of Vietnamese history and Vietnam War, not to think from the Asian point of view, while not the Vietnam War as a tragedy, but from the "death is a Glory" perspective on, he does not hastily destroy the natural environment of Washington Square, the principle of an extension to the underground monument, black marble tablets on the names of war dead. Almost all of the architecture and art critics all agree that Maya Lin's monument has created unprecedented design, the design of the monument is difficult to set the prices and the trademark of others, her "Vietnam Veterans Memorial" has become a symbol of immortality in art history.


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By Audriana
at 2011-03-12T00:00
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瑪雅人都一早消失掉, 瑪雅的跟易 ...


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2011-03-12T00:00
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Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2011-03-12T00:00
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Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2011-03-12T00:00
一個是聖經的2 ...


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2011-03-12T00:00
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要如何才能跟他講話阿~ 因為我長的滿胖的 不知道如何是好
要怎樣才能交朋友請� ...