搭乘華航飛往美國舊金山的旅客 - 舊金山

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2007-07-30T19:32

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※ [本文轉錄自 pet 看板]

作者: iamcarrieok (貓狗人生) 看板: pet
標題: [請益] 徵求搭乘華航飛往美國舊金山的旅客
時間: Mon Jul 30 19:25:38 2007


(volunteer passenger needed between taipei & S.F. on china airlines)



聯繫方式: [email protected]


Wanted! No need to give anymoney, only your kindness is needed
Are you flying to San Francisco on China Airlines?
Please help to bring these abused and homeless dogs to refuges
in S.F. U.S.A.

Dogs will only need to fly under your name for a ticket to better lives.
Dogs will pay for their own fares.
Dogs will meet you on time at the CKS airport.
All you have to do is let us know your name, flight number, departure
date and time.
Dogs will be picked up at S.F. by their new families already waiting.

These are abused and stray dogs rescued in Taiwan.
We have found them good homes in S.F.
With your help, they will never have to endure any more pain, sadness,
hunger, fear on the street, suffering the fate of being caught and killed
or being eaten.
You can give them a good life by just letting them fly under your name
to S.F.

We have sent many dogs this way many times and we have the experience
to make sure everything will go as planned.
There will be no surprises for you to deal with.
Volunteers will take care of everything for the dogs' flight, but we
need your help to make it happen.
Please help to give these stray dogs a chance, a life, a home.

Please contact us at: [email protected]
Thanks a lot for your help.

Here are just 2 examples of dogs going to great homes in S.F.

Please send this message to everyone you know to help finding
the passenger volunteers.


All Comments


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2007-07-30T11:17
我和朋友兩個女生 9/2~9/6要在舊金山自助旅行 住的地方是HI hostel downtown 以下是我排定的行程 請大家幫我看看有什麼問題或是提供我一些意見andgt;andlt; 9/2(日) OAK前往union square BART Powell站外的information center買 ...


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2007-07-29T21:31
八月底要去史丹佛看看學校環境 順便在舊金山呆幾天 第一天會到史丹佛 想請問一下 史丹佛附近是否有旅社旅館住宿呢? (走路一下或是在車站附近就可到達的) - ...


Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2007-07-29T19:31
對了 板上的文章我有看到精華區寫柏克萊附近的飲食 附近有小台北 其實我倒是覺得這邊很像香港區 menu都是香港的用語… 栗米是指玉米… XD 那邊有葵可立 有珍奶 我忘了價格多少 奶茶是59分錢(未加稅) 珍奶這東西阿 我在舊金山的中國城和LV的中國城都有喝過 當然是沒台灣五十嵐讚 ...


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2007-07-29T14:35
我們要回國,先在芝加哥搭AA回舊金山 再從舊金山搭長榮回台灣 由於轉機中間只有2小時半,很怕來不及 AA又很容易誤點,很害怕回不去台灣 想請問有經驗的人,AA的航站和長榮的航站會差很遠嗎 還有我們的行李是要在舊金山再拿一次嗎 很抱歉問這些問題,第一次出國,很多不知道 謝謝善心人士幫我回答 - ...


Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2007-07-29T14:07
六月底到七月底 在灣區待了一個月 主要三個星期都是待在柏克萊的ESI那邊 搭BART的感覺很像台灣的MRT 不過我覺得他們的噪音大了點 也沒台灣的乾淨 假日和太晚搭車時 要轉車換線阿 還有車有時候等了二十分鐘 = = 這個等的有點給他久到… powell站 算是最常去的點 因為那邊的un ...