日本宣佈暫緩獵補座頭鯨 - 生態環境討論

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2007-12-22T04:33

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詳情還請大家看英文報導 :)


Japan postpones humpback whale hunt

Justin McCurry in Tokyo
Friday December 21, 2007
Guardian Unlimited

Japan today agreed to abandon plans to slaughter endangered humpback whales
for the next one to two years amid calls from Australia
to spare the species during a research hunt in the Antarctic.

Nobutaka Machimura, Japan's top government spokesman,
confirmed that the Japanese fleet,
now en route to the southern ocean whale sanctuary,
would avoid killing humpbacks, a protected species since 1966.

"Japan has decided not to catch humpback whales for one year or two,
but there will be no change in our stance on research whaling,"
he told reporters. "Japan's relations with Australia could improve, but it depends on how it will see our decision."

Japan's original intention to kill 50 humpbacks,
considered the most majestic and athletic of all whales,
drew a furious response from Australia,
where an estimated 1.5 million tourists take part
in whale-watching trips every year.

The humpback population dwindled to just 1,200 in the 1960s,
but now stands at between 30,000 and 40,000,
according to the American Cetacean Society.
The species is listed as vulnerable by the World Conservation Union.

"The Australian government welcomes the announcement by Japan
it will suspend its plan to kill humpback whales this season,"
a spokesman for the foreign minister, Stephen Smith, told Reuters in Canberra.

"While this is a welcome move, the Australian government strongly believes
that there is no credible justification for the hunting of any whales
and will vigorously pursue its efforts ... to see an end to whaling by Japan."

Earlier this week Australia's Labor prime minister, Kevin Rudd,
decided to send an armed ship and surveillance aircraft
to track the Japanese fleet ahead of a possible legal challenge
to the hunt at the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

Japan's foreign minister, Masahiko Komura, conceded that
it would be difficult to bridge the emotional divide with Australia,
a close military ally and trading partner.

"Given that in a sense this seems to be a problem of differences
in national sentiment between Japanese and Australian culture,
it's not a matter that can be solved by appealing to one another
through logic," he said. "I hope to discuss possible measures
with the Australian foreign minister soon."

The whaling fleet will proceed, however,
with plans to slaughter more than 900 minke whales
and 50 endangered fin whales during the current research,
Japan's biggest ever.

Anti-whaling activists welcomed the volte-face
but said their campaign to end all hunting would continue.

"We're obviously delighted that this has happened," Dave Walsh,
a Greenpeace spokesman, told the Guardian from the group's ship, the Esperanza.
"But we don't think that one particular type of whale should be singled out.
We'd like to see an end to the hunt altogether.
Remember, Japan is still going to kill about 1,000 other whales this season.

"The pressure from outside has always been there,
but if we are going to succeed in canceling this and all future hunts,
the pressure needs to come from inside Japan.
The writing is on the wall for Japanese whalers,
and it is time prime minister [Yasuo] Fukuda took action."

The International Whaling Commission [IWC] banned commercial whaling in 1986
but allows Japan to conduct lethal research.
Critics denounce the "scientific" hunts as commercial whaling in disguise
because the meat is sold to restaurants and supermarkets,
and the profits used to fund future expeditions.

Officials in Tokyo denied Japan had backed down
in the face of renewed international pressure.

A foreign ministry spokesman said the decision had been reached
earlier this month during talks in Washington
between fisheries agency officials and the US,
the current chair of the IWC.
"Japan is responding to a request from the president of the IWC,
who said our cooperation is essential if the IWC is to function normally,
and we understand that," he said.

Japan and other pro-whaling nations believe that
the regulatory body has been hijacked by conservationists
and lost sight of its original purpose: how to manage sustainable whaling.

The foreign ministry said: "Japan is committed to accelerate
the process of the normalization of the IWC.
Everything that was planned as part of Japan's
scientific research whaling activities, including the capture of humpbacks,
is, without exception, legal under the IWC framework."

While Japan is ready to discuss reforms to voting and other IWC procedures,
a source close to the issue conceded that overturning the 1986 ban,
requires a two-thirds majority, would be "practically impossible."

The Esperanza, meanwhile, is expected to arrive
in the southern ocean whaling grounds
and step up its search for the whaling fleet over the New Year.


All Comments

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2007-12-24T09:11
我先前還以為日本跟澳洲會吵起來 沒想到日本讓步了


Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2007-12-22T03:28
最近我在魚中魚,赫然發現被命名奇怪名字的兩隻兩棲有點怪異 但是我一看就發現一種是很像台北樹蛙,另一種是中國樹蟾(因為有條褐色帶通過眼部) 不是水族館賣的三小忍者蛙 當時我感到很無奈...這根本不是國外進口過來的,一隻賣上百塊 那一箱大概有4、5隻...每隻都超瘦的,瘦到我快罵人了... 但是我又能怎 ...


Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2007-12-22T01:27
※ [本文轉錄自 NTUcontinent 看板] 作者: Rousseau (航向金色的海港) 看板: NTUcontinent 標題: 台大學生看單一選區兩票制 時間: Fri Dec 21 21:08:40 2007 http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=ppQV0qsonx ...

用過即丟10大寇 環署呼籲少用

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2007-12-22T00:31
環保署最近動作不少 包括最近的CO2減量及再生能源補貼政策 值得鼓勵 不過我最近在想的是 針對所有大眾的餐具限用等政策 是值得做沒錯 但以實際成效來說其實有限 如每個人都不用竹筷 台灣一年可省十億雙 但台塑CO2排放似乎佔全台總量二十幾! 一天的排放就抵光光 聽說 美國因自由之故 對人民設限不多 環保署施政主 ...

台北赤蛙守護神-阿石伯 (下)

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2007-12-21T23:35
http://www.gclub.com.tw/news/news_list.asp?no=aj100920071014220805 不過林華慶擔心的事,還是發生了。阿石伯:「那時候有想要噴一次,我也問他,逢棋、 逢棋,我再來噴一下,他說『阿伯不好啦,你跟我答應了』,我說『好啦,都說不要就不 要了』,不然就 ...

台北赤蛙守護神-阿石伯 (上)

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2007-12-21T23:31
這是一個令人感動的真實故事 而且就發生在最近幾年而已 非常值得大家品味 另外 這個人的部落格 有蓮花田的照片 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/alex0168andamp;article_id=20697426 http://www.gclub.com.tw/NEWS/NEWS_L ...