昨晚在CHINA TOWN 遇到 can you do me a favor ? - 紐澳

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2009-10-18T12:35

Table of Contents

In the begging, please allow me to use poor English to type, mainly

because I want to improve my English more.

Yesterday after finish the long day blue mountain, the Janpeness friend and I

decide to went to the China town to find something interesting and something

of the living supple, I want to but the port portter and my Janpeness

friend want to but the ear pick, so we start to have a adventure in the China

Town... and finally I found my meat and he also find his ear pick,

and jsut find a Chinese restaurant to have a meal, then we jsut walk on the

street which located on the cross of Geroge St and poolreiver St...

when wejsut ask someone about how to get to the China town...

there are two pretty women, with the brown hair and pretty smile

looks like the local Australia girl, and they just ask me:

Excuse me, can you do me a favor ? ...

During that moment I had been one day long walk ... and that sounds like

want to borrowed money or something cheat , defraud...

so I jsut directly say...maybe not... and go away she still stand there and

say WHY ? ...

After I came back I feel sorry to act so cold to people, maybe I should

tell them to request the police... but during that moment I am so tired

So I just reject, but I still very curious aboout ... what kinds of help

are they looking for help ? Does anyone have meet this situation ?

Tags: 紐澳

All Comments

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2009-10-19T18:04
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2009-10-21T20:01
沒關係 他是第一次PO的 是一位好勇者 其實每個人
Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2009-10-23T10:13
都會去爬文的 我每次爬文都很仔細____地看看 有看就ok
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2009-10-27T08:17
如果要從別版轉錄這裡的話 先問PO同意 才可以轉這裡
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2009-10-28T17:22
是他只有兩個jus拼對 還是有jsut這個字= =

板上有念melbourne uni有學生會卡可以出借的嗎?

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2009-10-17T13:23
想問問看不知道有沒有 用union card 可以打九折 希望來板上徵求看看 .....希望有好心人 可以出借卡片 最近想買兩本書 買下來覺得好貴 心痛.. --


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2009-10-17T08:32
我在黃金海岸!!! 雖然好像慢慢有夏天的感覺了, 可是我的皮膚還是超乾!!!! 手還會乾到裂開流血之類的....囧 有沒有可以推薦擦全身的乳液阿? 想說要 ...

Lonely Planet(LP)寂寞星球旅遊聖經,六折!

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2009-10-16T09:22
哈囉~~大家好! 在Perth的旅遊愛好者有福囉! 想去世界各地繼續豐富你的人生~絕對不能少了lonely planet~ 絕對是全新包裝,最新版本! 不論你是誰~都有六折優� ...

七里香在哪邊買?(地點:Brisbane Sunnybank Hills)

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2009-10-15T11:32
最近想種些花草美化前院, 其他的香草植物都買到了還缺七里香,請問Brisbane哪家園藝店可以買的到呢? 謝謝~ --

Re: 徵房間>>黃金海岸-近衝浪者天堂surfers paradise

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2009-10-15T08:11
※ 引述《gigi128 (《趁著.年輕去流浪》)》之銘言: : 徵求Gold coast - Surfers Paradise的sharehouse。 : 我們有三個人,一個台灣女生、一個法國男生、一個秘魯 ...