有關於空氣污染文章英文的喔~ - 空氣污染

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2005-12-24T00:00

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Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2005-12-25T20:02
Health is Sacrificed for Industrial AdvanceKatherine CombesThe Epoch TimesMar 02, 2004   
Heavy pollution hangs in the air as traffic rolls along a recently completed expressway interchange that leads into Beijing’s downtown. AFP Photo/ Stephen Shaver Medical researchers at Hong Kong University and the University of London have concluded that if the sulfur emission from vehicles is reduced, the number of deaths due to heart and respiratory related diseases is also reduced, according to a Nov. 22, 2002, report on the Chinese BBC website. The researchers conducted studies on deaths related to heart and respiratory diseases at a time when the Hong Kong government, then a colony under United Kingdom rule, had adopted new regulations to limit the amount of sulfur in gasoline. This resulted in a significant reduction in the amount of carbon dioxide and sulfide in the air. In the first year, it was estimated that about 600 lives in Hong Kong were saved by the sulfur emission regulation. These 600 people were mostly elderly or patients with respiratory and heart diseases. Air pollution is known to foster diseases in humans. Pollution from motor vehicles is widely believed to provide at least half of the air pollution in cities, even more where environmental factors and topography can play a role, as in Los Angeles. In cities like Beijing and Guangzhou in China, 60 percent of the air pollution comes from automobile emissions. Some cities have pollution levels that are often multiples of official safety standards. In China, where sales of automobiles are skyrocketing, the impact will be magnified. In addition, the more vehicles on the road, the more accidents occur, causing injuries and deaths in greater numbers.


Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2005-12-20T00:00
住在養豬業者周界實在很倒楣每天都要忍受臭味...打到環保局又推來推去一下說惡臭是空氣污染課的業務空氣污染 ...


Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2005-12-16T00:00


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2005-12-09T00:00
我是沒有任何交通工具的人,都無法像有交通工具的到處跑,除了雙腳外,只能單單靠著大眾運輸照規定時間等候 ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2005-12-07T00:00
什麼叫做空氣污染指標?什麼叫做空氣污染指標?什麼叫做空氣污染指標?什麼叫做空氣污染指標?什麼叫做空氣污染指標?什麼叫做空氣污染指標?什麼叫做�� ...


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2005-12-06T00:00
我家是屬於7層樓的大廈,原本居住環境非常的單純與寧靜,哪知幾年前搬來個惡鄰居--是那種拜拜的太子宮!他們 ...