有關綠卡抽籤 - 移民

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2009-11-30T18:13

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中籤後把資料寄回去給kcc 然後去辦簽證還是可以下來

※ 引述《cancun (yay)》之銘言:
: 針對這個例子我原先也覺得不可能; 後來發現各國上說法不一
: 譬如 Macedonia的說:
: A) Does participation in the Diversity Visa lottery amount to the automatic
: refusal of a NIV in the future? Can I be refused because of my participation
: in the lottery? Does it imply an immigration intention?
: Q)Participation in the Diversity Visa lottery does not amount to an automatic
: refusal of a non-immigrant visa in the future. We understand that people
: apply for the Diversity Lottery for a variety of reasons and that their
: circumstances can change over time.
: WHILE IN Ukraine,
: A)Will you please approve or disapprove of the statement that the participation
: in the Diversity Visa lottery means the automatical refusal of non-immigrant
: visa for the participant in the future? I participated in the lottery 2 years
: ago. Can it constitute a reason that I am refused a visa on the basis of my
: participation in the lottery? Does it imply an immigration intention?
: Q) No, it does not result in an automatic refusal. We evaluate each applicant
: individually on the basis of his or her ties to Ukraine. Although
: participation in the DV lottery does not disqualify one for a tourist or any
: other visa, it does indicate a desire to immigrate to the US, which is a
: factor in evaluating one's ties to Ukraine. In order to qualify for most
: categories of a US temporary visa, the applicant must demonstrate strong ties
: to their residence abroad.
: 最準還是寫信問AIT.
: ※ 引述《miluco (I'm feeling lucky)》之銘言:
: : 你一定聽錯了,而且在申請美簽填寫單子時
: : 有參加綠卡抽籤沒有中籤過接下來繼續申請程序的人
: : 根本不需要寫自己有申請過移民簽證
: : 也不算有移民企圖
: : 所以假設移民官問你有沒有參加過DV
: : 你甚至可以回答沒有,因為我不覺得他查得到
: : 那個資料庫一定很龐大,而沒有中籤的人會留在資料庫裡多久
: : 我是保持懷疑的態度.

Tags: 移民

All Comments

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2009-12-05T02:09


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2009-11-29T12:18
針對這個例子我原先也覺得不可能; 後來發現各國上說法不一 譬如 Macedonia的說: A) Does participation in the Diversity Visa lottery amount to the automatic refusal of a NIV in the future? C ...


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2009-11-28T07:46
※ 引述《crystaloops (克利斯多˙貢)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《huiting1981 (努力學習)》之銘言: : : 標題: [問題] 有關綠卡抽籤 : : 時間: Fri Oct 3 15:35:10 2008 : : 如果我想申請美國綠卡抽籤~如果沒有抽到這樣以後簽證官會不會覺得你有移民頃 ...


Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2009-11-27T19:07
※ 引述《huiting1981 (努力學習)》之銘言: : 標題: [問題] 有關綠卡抽籤 : 時間: Fri Oct 3 15:35:10 2008 : : 如果我想申請美國綠卡抽籤~如果沒有抽到這樣以後簽證官會不會覺得你有移民頃像~ : 我只是想說抽抽看~之前美前有被拒過所以大約明年還會去申請~ : ...


Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2009-11-22T10:32
時間急迫,沒時間問律師,請問大家的經驗 老闆有個章留在代理人那邊,然後出國了 andgt;and#34;andlt; 那個章好像啥都可以蓋,支票也可以蓋 那請問可以蓋在我的申請表上嗎? - ...


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2009-11-21T13:02
我的OPT即將在明年的2月17日到期,而男友目前是有綠卡的身分, 在11月底就可以寄件申請公民。 兩人有結婚的打算,只是不知道要以哪一種方式可以讓我 在OPT到期給予的六十天grace period之後,可以繼續合法留在美國。 因為等到他拿到公民時,我opt到期後的60天grace p ...