澳洲打工+有薪工作實習-Work+Intern講座 - 澳洲

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2013-01-06T07:50

Table of Contents

The best job in the world 全世界最棒的工作

在澳洲的 . . . . Hamilton Island Resort

這是 [ 完全高級渡假勝地 ] 的工作

澳洲打工度假 + 有薪工作實習 - Work + Intern Australia

講座說明 : 1月14日(星期日)
時間 : 下午1:00
地點 : 中原正門口柏德廣場內 (中壢市實踐路225-13號)

首先是資格:18 - 30歲高中以上畢業
什麼工作:高級渡假島 Hamilton Island Resort
地點在哪裡:澳洲昆士蘭 Queensland
做什麼:食物餐飲Food and Beverage
做多久:6個月半年6 months,可以再延長半年
住宿英文:Housing cost for $96 per week. The cost of this is deducted from your salary.
宿舍英文:Dorm Room on site Housing cost is provided in a fully furnish utilities.

需要條件:Skills required
1. Have a positive and helpful attitude.
2. Well presented.
3. Team player
4. Excellent Communication and interpersonal Skills.
5. Reliable and flexible to work within rotating roster

工作地點如何抵達How do I get to Hamilton Island?
Getting there from overseas is best done by flying into Brisbane, Sydney or Melbourne, and then booking a domestic flight into Hamilton Island airport. Brisbane offers the best range of connecting flights. Flight times are 90 minutes from Brisbane, 2 hours from Sydney and 3 hours from Melbourne

抵達接待On Arrival
We will meet you upon your arrival to Hamilton Island. All new employees are required to travel to Hamilton Island on a MONDAY or TUESDAY only

抵達的服務Our On Boarding Manager will also:
1. Meet you on arrival.
2. Assist you to complete the remainder of your employment documentation (please ensure your necessary documents and photo ID are easily accessible in your hand luggage).
3. Assist you to collect your Staff Identification Card & Uniform.
4. Provide a basic tour to help you become familiar with the Resort and the facilities offered at Hamilton Island.
5. Return you to the jetty if you are living on the mainland or show you through to your room if you are living on the island.


Tags: 澳洲

All Comments

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2013-01-08T23:50
Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2013-01-12T07:45
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2013-01-13T23:38
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2013-01-14T13:55
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2013-01-15T08:51
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2013-01-16T11:03
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2013-01-21T08:40

一生一次雪梨跨年煙火 圖文

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2013-01-06T01:16
http://adit.pixnet.net/blog/post/48082530# 圖文好讀版 圖多文長 請小心服用。 ------ 跨年地點選擇的個人感想 我留到排隊日記的後面再說。 有配合一個小地圖 ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2013-01-05T19:54
本人1/26會回台灣 手邊有一個FOSSIL全新大包以及一個長夾包要賣 購買地點:澳洲黃金海岸harbor town 賣出原因:朋友送我的 但我用不到所以轉賣 吊牌跟明�� ...


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2013-01-05T11:51
哈囉 各位新包包 (高雄 台中 台北) 平日分享會 報名開始囉 希望可以讓假日沒空的包包有機會聽到分享 以及 解決疑惑囉 PO這個資訊有點太晚 下周的二� ...


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2013-01-05T10:38
我昨天線上伸請工作簽證 伸請完付款好抄好TRN號碼後就把螢幕關了 今天一看才知道要繼續填寫要去哪家醫院體檢 原本以為會寄EMAIL給我醫院的選單 ...


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2013-01-05T10:37
※ 引述《pelicanper (派立肯)》之銘言: : 看物價的角度很多,不能只用幾件跟自己生活周邊相關的東西就來下結論 : 如果真的有家庭在紐澳長期生活,有自� ...