激烈交鋒英文翻譯勿刪!!!! - 人口老化

Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2014-05-13T00:00

Table of Contents

1 香港七十歲或以上的長者中,約有一成患有老人癡呆症.
2 恆春半島三面環海,所以冬天不會比台灣北部冷,夏天也不會比台灣北部熱.
3 隨著社會人口老化,民眾要認識護理服務.
4 三星和蘋果為爭奪印度市場手機市場的主導權,在今年陷入更嚴重的交鋒.
就這四句翻譯 請不要刪 謝謝 = =''
In Hong Kong, among seniors aged 70 or over 70, one percent of them suffers from Alzheimer.
The three sides of Hengchung Peninsula are surrounded by the sea, so in winter
the climate of Hengchung is neither cooler than that of northern Taiwan nor in summer it is
hotter than it.
2 個已更新項目:
As the population gets aged in society, the public should get to know something about the
nursing care.
Samsung and Apple have competed each other for the domination of the mobile phone market
in India, and they have a keener confrontation this year.
3 個已更新項目:
可以幫我看看嗎? 謝謝 ^^
4 個已更新項目:
5 個已更新項目:
希望明年不要去考翻譯所 要不然我又會名落孫山了
但還是很感謝各位的意見 都很棒 我學到很多

All Comments

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2014-05-17T23:44
1 香港七十歲或以上的長者中,約有一成患有老人癡呆症.
Roughly 10% of the 70 years and older elderly in Hong Kong suffer from Alzheimer's Disease.
2 恆春半島三面環海,所以冬天不會比台灣北部冷,夏天也不會比台灣北部熱.
Heng Shuan peninsula, typically, is neither colder in the winter, nor hotter in the summer than northern Taiwan.
3 隨著社會人口老化,民眾要認識護理服務.
The general public should have some nursing skills amid the aging population.
4 三星和蘋果為爭奪印度市場手機市場的主導權,在今年陷入更嚴重的交鋒.
Samsung and Apple, this year, are in an even more severe battle in India for the (cellular) handset market share leadership.
2014-05-13 21:19:14 補充:
Heng Chuan, being a peninsula, ...
2014-05-14 00:16:29 補充:
Once you tasted Samsung Apples, you will love them for good!
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2014-05-15T22:24
這裡有你要的 答案
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2014-05-16T22:58
這裡有你要的 答案
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2014-05-14T04:31
請洽客服 官網 : AA8888.NET
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2014-05-14T01:08
體育●真人●現場●彩球●電子 -->投注站
Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2014-05-14T10:06
4 三星和蘋果為爭奪印度市場手機市場的主導權,在今年陷入更嚴重的交鋒.
Fighting for the smartphone market dominance in India, Samsung and Apple are mired in even more intense clash this year.
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2014-05-14T16:49
Surrounded by water on three sides, Hengchun Peninsula enjoys warmer winters and cooler summers than its northern counterpart of Taiwan.
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2014-05-17T07:36
既然閣下掏出 "師大翻譯所的考古題," 很可能閣下有意於進翻譯所或至少是對翻譯有相當興趣與能力, 若能秀出您的譯筆, 大家切磋, 豈不善哉?


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2014-04-19T00:00
1.請說明何謂「ECFA」?並就你的觀點,說明它對臺灣產業及職場工作機會可能 產生的影響。
2.請說明何謂「兩岸服務貿易協議」?各舉一例台灣開�� ...


Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2014-03-11T00:00
以前軍人多而且訓練時間長空檔可協助農民現在營區本身環境都缺人力打掃真還能助民採蔥嗎報載:資深蔥農翟石 ...


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2013-11-25T00:00
(1)自然 ...


Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2013-11-23T00:00
請問有安養機構產業經驗的專家..全球人口老化..開發中已上國家的60歲以上人口逐漸接受and#34;安養院and#34;作為人� ...


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2013-10-24T00:00
真的有嬰靈作祟嗎?嬰靈真的那摩想來這個世界當人嗎?現在大環境那麼不好,青年貧窮、失業,人口老化,負擔沉� ...