第一次出國 就是一個人的自助旅行(美國加州) - 洛杉磯

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2007-10-09T15:07

Table of Contents

這是我的第一次出國 第一次離開寶島臺灣
第一次搭飛機 第一次一個人的自助旅行
籌備時間約1個月又10天 包含辦護照和美簽
像個瘋子一樣 我只能說..是她給我勇氣

這是我的網誌 上面有我為期兩週的旅程照片 都有一些說明

==============Trip Schedule================
4 Main Cities
Los Angeles(4) -> Las Vegas(3) -> San Jose(2) -> San Francisco(4)
===Los Angeles 洛杉磯===
9.13: Santa Monica Beach (I live in the Youth Hostel in Santa Monica)
9.14: a. UCLA
b. The getty center (Museum)
c. West Hollywood (Beverly Hills & Rodeo Drive) (比佛利山莊)

9.15: a. Universal Studio (環球影城)
b. Hollywood (Chinese Theater & Walk of Fame) (中國戲院 & 星光大道)

9.16: a. Baseball game (LAD v.s ARI)
( 1 : 6 )
b. Downtown (very bad place)

===Las Vegas 拉斯維加斯===
9.17: a. Move to Las Vegas (I live in "Bill's Gambling Hall and Saloon")
b. Look some casino (North of my live place)

9.18: a. Look some casino (South of my live place)
c. Look some free show

9.19: Gambling day (I wanted to go to Grand Canyon but i got some wrong)
(Wrong : I confused Bally's with Paris casino)

===San Jose 聖荷西===
9.20: Move to San Jose (about 16hr)
9.21: a. Visit my best
b. Stanford University

===San Francisco 舊金山===
9.22: move to San Francisco (I live in the Youth Hostel in downtown in SF)
a. Union square (和平公園)
b. San Francisco port
c. Bay bridge (港灣大橋)
d. Fishermans Wharf (魚人碼頭)
e. Pier39

9.23: a. Civic center
b. China Town (中國城)
c. Coit Tower (科依特高塔)
d. Lombard Street (九曲彎道)
e. Fishermans Wharf

9.24: Bike trip (6hr)
a. Palace of Fine Arts (very beautiful place)
b. Golden Gate Park (so so) (金門公園)
c. Lincoln Park (林肯公園)
b. Golden Gate Bridge (beautiful) (金門大橋)

9.25: a. Alcatraz (It's not good, there are many shits of birds and flys) (惡
b. Shopping
===Los Angeles===
9.26: Come back to LA
9.27: Take the airplane


All Comments

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2007-10-13T08:11
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2007-10-14T04:47
UCLA !=柏克萊加洲分校
Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2007-10-14T09:21
UCLA=University of California, Los Angeles
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2007-10-15T05:09
it does not equal to UC Berkeley
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2007-10-19T01:47
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2007-10-23T17:09
不同在我是跟旅伴,然後是去LA,Las Vegas,大峽谷,S.F.


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2007-09-30T23:07
十一月中旬我有個在美國的朋友結婚,因此得飛美國一趟,想順便度個假 想徵求一起同遊的伙伴 男女皆可 最多3人(歡迎團報) 預計停留7~9天 除了一天要 ...


Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2007-09-24T23:25
有人搭9/28新航到洛杉磯嗎? 一起做個伴吧, 之後我還要接UA到boston, 如果能一起到波士頓那更好啦. --


Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2007-08-28T00:24
※ [本文轉錄自 travel 看板] 作者: naigig (我愛布丁寶貝) 看板: travel 標題: [問題] 請問九月去美國 時間: Tue Aug 28 00:21:28 2007 大家好 九月六號~二十號小� ...


Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2007-08-22T01:37
大家好~想請問板上有沒有人9/9坐新航到波士頓的呢? 航程是:9/9 22:55 從台北出發 經洛杉磯轉機 然後抵達波士頓 想請問有沒有人跟我同班機呢? 因 ...


Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2007-08-04T00:42
我要從舊金山到洛杉磯 用expida訂票 請問我到機場的流程是什麼呢???? 希望大家幫忙唷~~ --