紐約哥倫比亞大學寒假公寓出租 - 紐約

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2006-11-30T01:38

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※ [本文轉錄自 NorthAmerica 看板]

作者: silkleaf (silkleaf) 看板: NorthAmerica
標題: [Sublease]紐約哥倫比亞大學寒假公寓出租
時間: Mon Oct 9 08:08:41 2006

sublease (female only)

two bedroom apartment,

Time interval: 12/21/06- 1/14/07 (the interval is flexible)
Lacation: 434 west 120th street (at the corner of 120th and Amsterdam)
Rent: $680, furnished, including utility and inernet.
Deposite: $300
Despcription: two bedroom apartment. Very roomy with sunlight in the morning.
excellent view outside the window.
The apartment is very very clean and tidy since my roommate is
extremely good at cleaning :)
24-hour doorman in the lobby. And the building is very quiet
and secure with only Columbia graduate students.
Right next to Columbia main campus with supermarket across
5 minutes from the subway station.

Please contact me if you are interested. Thanks~

Tags: 紐約

All Comments


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2006-11-23T03:02
提供一些想法參考,你的安排沒有問題,你不一定要更改自己的計劃 因為你的時間很短,所以NYC還是玩不完的,以後還有很多機會的 ※ 引述《butter1111 ...

(徵戌 ) Hawaii--12/28~01/05

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2006-11-22T08:24
發現原本要去的原因 意義已經改變 不過既然已經訂了機票 So….. 這段期間 若有人也在hawaii—oahu 不介意有人作伴一起玩 請reply我 thanks 时 Ps. 學藝術女 ...


Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2006-11-16T05:18
我現在讀紐澤西F.D.U 住學校旁邊 線再想找女性室友一名一起分擔房租 需要的人請跟我聯絡 紐約公車可到 約20分 --


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2006-11-12T16:25
※ [本文轉錄自 NewYork 看板] 作者: butter1111 (1111) 看板: NewYork 標題: [問題] 紐約行程請大家幫我看一下~~ 時間: Sun Nov 12 16:25:03 2006 各位好, 我和同�� ...

請問有人有H.I. Card嚜??

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2006-11-08T13:39
我12月要到芝加哥 華府 費城 紐約 波士頓旅行 由於沒有太多預算 目前打算住Hostelling Intl.或YH之類的 請問板上有人有這方面的member card嚜? 不曉得有沒有� ...