美國BFQC基於特殊職業,可以設不同的標準 - 社會議題

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2012-04-24T00:00

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請問有人可以查到BFQC這協會or組織嗎? I cannot find it.....
Sorry, 應該是BFOC(善意職業資格)Bona fide occupational qualifications
In employment law, a bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ) (US) or bona fide occupational requirement (BFOR) (Canada) is a quality or an attribute that employers are allowed to consider when making
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decisions on the hiring and retention of employees—qualities that when considered in other contexts would constitute discrimination and thus in violation of civil rights employment law. 看起來怎麼不像是英文的縮寫.Bona?...請專家再來釋義一下

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Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2012-04-26T03:57
這不是一個協會, 也不是一個組織. 只是在人權法律中, 有關於職業權的一種說法(定義). 至於他的定義是什麼, 維基已經講得很清楚. 這裡不贅言.
bona fide 是拉丁文, 是good faith的意思.
例如說, 人人都有當倉庫搬運工的可能. 但是, 太瘦弱或是身體本身有肢體缺陷就可能並不適合...因為搬運工有可能是需要用到體力與運動能力的. 所以他的雇用標準會有針對該工作的需要來訂定. 所以是善意的, 而不是歧視.
每個工作有一定的工作要求..said, 坐辦公室的秘書要會打電腦, 要會外語...但是不能要求一定要女的, 或是年輕女性...
所以, 大部分國家的法律上會明定, 年齡, 性別, 種族..不可以當作錄取或是否能夠繼續工作與否的條件..其它的由職位的上級自行訂定. 這就是所謂的BFOC.
最簡單的例子, 美國的軍隊在過去有同性戀能不能當兵的討論..後來因為沒有結論, 無法修法, 就搞個don't ask, don't tell. 這就是一個"由上級主管自行訂定"的例子. 直到最近才改掉, 明定同性戀可以當兵.
2012-04-25 00:07:19 補充:
更正. 句尾應該是BFOQ, 不是BFOC
所以, 大部分國家的法律上會明定, 年齡, 性別, 種族..不可以當作錄取或是否能夠繼續工作與否的條件..其它的由職位的上級自行訂定. 這就是所謂的BFOQ.
Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2012-04-25T01:01
Unforunately, BFOQ is more complicated than what s mentions.
In general, BFOQ is basically a legal defense that an employer can claim for not choose to hire a particular group of employees.
For instance, Victoria's Secret can choose not to hire any male for store positions because the fact that Victoria's Secret sells undergarment to female (which it will make the customers uncomfortable if they serve by male).
However, it does not mean that Victoria's Secret can use the same BFOQ defense for jobs like designers or officer workers.
In another example, UPS's jobs usually require applicants have the ability to carry 50 lb. However, UPS can't use BFOQ to disqualify female because they are "seemed" to be weaker and smaller than male. As soon as female can carry 50 lb, they should be considered as well.
This is a term that always used in court when arguing discrimination cases (as mentioned above, if the BFOQ is justified, the employers can in fact exclude a particular group of people for employment purpose and claim immunity).


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2012-04-23T00:00
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Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2012-04-23T00:00
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Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2012-04-23T00:00
我要上我女友,我想跟我女友性愛,我能先給我女友吃避孕藥在性愛嗎,這樣有效嗎,我女有這樣會傷害身體嗎, ...


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2012-04-23T00:00


Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2012-04-23T00:00
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