能不能請各位幫忙我翻譯一下這些變成英文? - 空氣污染

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2006-08-13T00:00

Table of Contents

1. 台灣的生活最近十年變了很多
2. 年輕的一代有許多新的生活方式
3. 和他們父母親那一輩相當不同
4. 舉個例,很多年輕人喜歡美式速食,喝加糖飲料
5. 而老一輩人大多寧可吃中國菜,喝中國茶
8. 當天大家搭陳火車.巴士等大眾運輸交通工具
9. 每次放假,我都會到台灣某個地方去旅行
10. 今年春假,我合宜些同學搭陳巴士到墾丁國家公園
11. 我們在那兒待了三天,很欣賞那裡的山林和海洋
12. 這學期還沒結束,可是我們就在計畫夏天的旅行了
16. 音樂在我們的生活中扮演很重要的腳色
17. 聰明人會從以前的教訓學到很多經驗
18. 很多人一輩子都會住在同一個地方
19. 地震發生在擁擠的都市會造成嚴重的災害
20. 再也沒時間去看小說了

All Comments

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2006-08-15T23:27
1. The life of Taiwan has changed a lot in the most recent ten years
2. A young generation has a lot of new life styles
3. Equivalent to that people of their parents and different
4. For example, a lot of young people is it eat rapidly while being American to like, drink and add the candy beverage
5. And most of the older generation would rather eat the Chinese cuisine , drink Chinese tea
6.The problem of the city air pollution is more and more serious
7.Nearly all industrial countries must face this question
8. Everybody takes the old train on the same day . The masses , such as bus ,etc. transport the means of transportation
9. On holiday each time, I will take a trip to a certain place of Taiwan
10. On spring vacation of this year, my a bit more suitably classmates take old bus to the national park of Kun Ding
11. We stay one day there, appreciate where 's mountain forest and ocean very much
12. This term has not finished yet, but we are just in the travel in summer of the plan
13.We can get Taiwan go by east probably, because where 's scenery be very beautiful
14.After a while, my mother listens to and means that I have the piano lesson
15.I regret not practising the piano carefully
16. Music act important foot color very among life of us
17. The wise man will learn a lot of experience from the lesson in the past
18. A lot of people will live in the same place all one's life
19. The earthquake will cause the serious calamity in the crowded city while taking place
20. Have no time to read the novel again
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2006-08-14T08:56
A 1. Taiwan's life recently ten annual variation very much more than 2. young generation had the ornamental hairpin h new life style 3. and their parents that generation is quite different 4. gives an example, very many young people like the American fast food, drinks sweetens drink 5. but the people of the older generation mostly rather to eat the Chinese dish, drinks the Chinese tea 6. The metropolis air pollution question is more and more serious 7. The nearly all industrial nation all must face this question 8. same days everybody to ride the Chen train Populace and so on bus transport the transportation vehicle 9. each time to have a vacation, I all can arrive Taiwan some place to travel 10. this year spring vacations, my suitableness schoolmate rode the Chen bus to treat three days to Kending country park 11. us in the there, appreciated there wooded mountain and the sea 12. this semesters very much has not finished, but we on in plan summer travel 13. We probably can arrive east Taiwan, because there scenery is very beautiful 14. Crossed period of time, my mother listens to refer to me to go to on the piano class 15. I regretted practiced the piano 16. musics to act the very important foot color 17. smart people not well in ours life to be able to learn from the before lesson very experiences 18. very many people to be able to live for a lifetime at the identical place 19. earthquakes occurs in the crowded metropolis can create the serious disaster 20. also not to have the time to read the novel again


Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2006-08-12T00:00
這是� ...


Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2006-08-11T00:00
(請問建築物和雕像遭到腐蝕,土壤酸�� ...


Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2006-08-05T00:00
牆上也貼\and#34;� ...


Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2006-08-04T00:00
小弟想在明年考國考,可是我的腸胃真的很不好,很會放屁屁,如果我去補習班補習,會造成後面同學的困擾。可是不補我又好多年沒唸書了,我知道�� ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2006-08-03T00:00