英文報紙(國際經濟方面)一些翻譯(20點) - 社會議題
By Kama
at 2011-05-26T00:00
at 2011-05-26T00:00
Table of Contents
底線+粗體字是我看不懂的部分,所以只要翻譯那部分就好了! 如果有
下列句子都是來自於同一篇文章,標題是: Japan confirms its economy surpassed by China in 2010
1. Japan confirmed Monday that China's economy surpassed its own as the world's second largest in 2010 and said a late-year downturn was its first quarterly contraction in more than a year.
2. Japan's economy expanded 3.9 percent in the calendar year - its first annual growth in three years.
*在三年內的首次年度成長 ermm...這是指三年之中的最後那一年?還有,第一句和第二句怎麼有點連不上,前句說日本的economic downturn,下一句馬上就提到日本economy expand,直覺很矛盾。我在想,它後句提到的economy expand是不是跟calendar year有關,可以解釋一下?
3. Japan's nominal gross domestic product (GDP) last year came to US$5.47 trillion, less than China's total of US$5.87 trillion, the Cabinet Office said.
4. China was acknowledged last year as having surpassed Japan as the world's No. 2 economy after the U.S. - a title it had held since 1968. But full-year Japanese data confirming it was not available until Monday.
*看不懂是什麼東西available,在這邊available是指"有效的"還是"可得到的"? full-year是一整年嗎?
5. In the 1980s, it was Japan's economic ascension that provoked both admiration and fear, as China's does now.
6. The rise of its Asian neighbor has been critical for Japan's economic engine since then as it struggles with persistent deflation, an aging population and ballooning public debt.
*在這邊的critical是指 "批評的, 批判的, 評論性的" 還是 "緊要的, 關鍵性的, 危急的"?
7. China remains far poorer with GDP per person about a fifth of that in Japan when purchasing power differences in each country are taken into account.
8. Japan's economy minister Kaoru Yosano described China's expansionas important for Asia and said he hopes for deeper economic ties between the two countries.
*as 在這是什麼意思?
底線+粗體字是我看不懂的部分,所以只要翻譯那部分就好了! 如果有
下列句子都是來自於同一篇文章,標題是: Japan confirms its economy surpassed by China in 2010
1. Japan confirmed Monday that China's economy surpassed its own as the world's second largest in 2010 and said a late-year downturn was its first quarterly contraction in more than a year.
2. Japan's economy expanded 3.9 percent in the calendar year - its first annual growth in three years.
*在三年內的首次年度成長 ermm...這是指三年之中的最後那一年?還有,第一句和第二句怎麼有點連不上,前句說日本的economic downturn,下一句馬上就提到日本economy expand,直覺很矛盾。我在想,它後句提到的economy expand是不是跟calendar year有關,可以解釋一下?
3. Japan's nominal gross domestic product (GDP) last year came to US$5.47 trillion, less than China's total of US$5.87 trillion, the Cabinet Office said.
4. China was acknowledged last year as having surpassed Japan as the world's No. 2 economy after the U.S. - a title it had held since 1968. But full-year Japanese data confirming it was not available until Monday.
*看不懂是什麼東西available,在這邊available是指"有效的"還是"可得到的"? full-year是一整年嗎?
5. In the 1980s, it was Japan's economic ascension that provoked both admiration and fear, as China's does now.
6. The rise of its Asian neighbor has been critical for Japan's economic engine since then as it struggles with persistent deflation, an aging population and ballooning public debt.
*在這邊的critical是指 "批評的, 批判的, 評論性的" 還是 "緊要的, 關鍵性的, 危急的"?
7. China remains far poorer with GDP per person about a fifth of that in Japan when purchasing power differences in each country are taken into account.
8. Japan's economy minister Kaoru Yosano described China's expansionas important for Asia and said he hopes for deeper economic ties between the two countries.
*as 在這是什麼意思?
All Comments
By Irma
at 2011-05-26T23:55
at 2011-05-26T23:55
late-year 是指「年尾」。 這裡是說 2010 年末的經濟下降是一年多來首度單季成長萎縮。
2. [*是指三年之中的最後那一年? 可以解釋一下?]
in the calendar year 是沿著前段而來, 前段講的是 2010 年, 所以這裡還是指 2010 年度, 一月到十二月。 雖然年尾開始下降, 但整年來說, 還是成長, 並且是 2008 到 2010 這三年中, 首度有年成長。
3. [Japan's nominal gross domestic product (GDP) ... *nominal 解釋?]
nominal gross domestic product (GDP)是「名目國內生產毛額」。 所謂「名目」是指還沒有扣除「通貨膨脹」的因素。 從數字上看, 日本去年 GDP 增加了 5.47兆美元, 要是把通貨膨脹算進去, 真正人民享受到的成長會低一些, 稱為「實質國內生產毛額」 real GDP。
4. [China was acknowledged last year as having surpassed Japan as the world's No. 2 economy after the U.S. - a title it had held since 1968. But full-year Japanese data confirming it was not available until Monday.
*看不懂是什麼東西available? full-year是一整年嗎?]
available 是「可取得的」。 was not available until Monday 是說「直到本週一才可取得」。 也就是說 日本星期一公布資料後, 才有完整的整年日本資料來確認中國超越日本, 成為第二大經濟體。
full-year 是形容詞: 「整年的」。
5. [In the 1980s, it was Japan's economic ascension that provoked both admiration and fear, as China's does now.
does 是取代前面的動詞部分, 指的是 provokes both admiration and fear。 這裡是說一九八零年代, 日本經濟上升激發讚佩和恐懼, 就如同現在中國成長所激發的一樣。
6. [The rise of its Asian neighbor has been critical for Japan's economic engine since then as it struggles with persistent deflation, an aging population and ballooning public debt.
critical 在這裡的意思是「很要緊的」、 「至關重要的」。 整句是說日本自從衰退以來, 通貨緊縮一直不能解決,還有人口老化, 政府債務膨脹的問題, 對日本的經濟引擎來說, (中國)這個亞洲鄰國的興起是至關重要的。
7. [China remains far poorer with GDP per person about a fifth of that in Japan when purchasing power differences in each country are taken into account.
當算上兩國的購買力差異時, 中國還是比日本窮很多, 「人均國內生產毛額」只有日本的五分之一。
這是說雖然中國生產毛額大過日本, 但人口更多。 平均下來, 中國還是比較窮。
8. [Japan's economy minister Kaoru Yosano described China's expansionas important for Asia and said he hopes for deeper economic ties between the two countries.
*as 是什麼意思?]
describe ....... as ..... 是「稱 .... 為....」, 或 「將 ......稱做是...」的意思。 這裡是說日本經濟大臣与謝野馨 稱中國的經濟擴張對亞洲是重要的。
By Liam
at 2011-05-26T20:24
at 2011-05-26T20:24
1. 乍看之下我也霧煞煞,所以這題我們可以請其他高手來幫忙confirm。
但我讀出late-year的意思是“2010這一年的後半期(下半年)“,最有可能就是從Q3七至九月,或Q4十到十二月。為甚麼?因為後面接著 was its first quarterly contraction。這個late-year downturn是過去一年多以來,首度根據季度統計顯示出經濟緊縮現象。
2. downturn是從季度的眼光,但從年度的眼光來看(calendar year 一般日曆年度1.1-12.31),日本於2010年經濟成長3.9%,是過去三年以來首次正面成長。
3. nominal GDP 是經濟學名詞,請參照這裡的解釋。http://wiki.mbalib.com/zh-tw/%E5%90%8D%E4%B9%89GDP
相對地還有 real GDP ( http://wiki.mbalib.com/zh-tw/Real_GDP )。兩者最大的差別在於通貨膨脹所導致的價格變動因素。要去查教科書才解釋得清楚。
4. 這句意思是 ---> 但是證實這項結論(confirming it)的全年日本經濟數據(full-year JP data),直到星期一(也就是新聞發佈日2.14)才公佈(available)。
5. as China does now. ---> 現在換成中國讓各國稱羨又擔憂。(這句暫保留,一定有人可以翻得更好)
6. critical for 是緊要的,關鍵性的。若意思是批評的 挑剔的,是用 critical of
7. 8. 晚一點再寫,沒時間了。
2011-05-26 03:52:23 補充:
7. 這樣切割句子 你就容易看懂了。
China remains far poorer
with GDP per person (平均每人GDP,也稱為人均GDP)
about a fifth of that in Japan (是日本人均GDP的五分之一)
when purchasing power differences in each country (當每個國家個人消費力)
are taken into account. (列入考慮中)
這裡有個例子形容得很生動 :“你可以想像成,只有一包米,10個人吃與50個人吃的分別。 前者可能每人分到一碗飯,而後者可能每人分到一碗粥。”
2011-05-26 04:04:30 補充:
8. as important 在此的意思是 “同樣的重要”。作者應該是省略沒講出括號裡的意思 "as important for Asia (as Japan's strong economy has been)
你看新聞接下來就這麼寫著 “"As an economy, we are not competing for rankings but working to improve citizens' lives,"。把亞洲當成一整個經濟體時,不要把各國之間經濟實力的排名消長,當成國與國之間的競爭。而是一同戮力提升人民生活水準。
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