英文好的幫我改錯(拜託了)有點急 - 社會議題

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2009-08-20T00:00

Table of Contents

或者是要如何翻譯 謝謝了
The realize and rise of environmental protection had become the trend. No matter producers or consumers who have both cognition of traditional traders are definitly facts. Therefore,it is drawing and refusing for the whole industry in the asymmetric demand-supply. And it is not obvious effects,only slogans.
To deal properly with the variations on the producers and consumers is more important. The research based on making use of the advantage concrete proposal for improving the variations of both sides that it goes through relative references, the analysis of consumer's purchasing decision, the questiponnaire investigation of trader.
Under the consensus: The only earth with sustainable developments, companies, and governments think fow to find a way of forming the positive cycle of the green industryand to achieve a goal of efficient economy, and balanced biology.

All Comments

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2009-08-20T10:32
The conscious of environmental protection had become the trend. However, the bilateral cognition between manufactures and consumers is still stay in traditional-trade idea which makes the environmental protection business unproductive and becoming nothing but chant.Therefore, it is important to deal properly with the contrast between manufactures and consumers.
(第一段: "進而造成整個產業都在供需不對稱的拉距下" 這句實在看不懂ORZ 所以跳過)(但我認為不影響文義,您可放心^^)
The research based on the advantage of distributor, and made the suggestion of resolving the contrast problem between manufactures and consumers through the relative references, the analysis of consumer's purchasing decision, and the discover of the investigation about distributor.
(第二段: 大部分的中文詞彙太過專業,例如 用通路商的優點為基礎 ?? ,幾乎全照字面翻@@)
We/I believe that the main approach to effective environmental protection is to build the consensus of sustainable development and the resource-limitation on earth between government, manufactures, and consumers. Under such consensus, we can find the way to form prime recycling inside the whole green-industry and achieve the goal of efficient economy, fair society, and balanced nature.
(第三段:環保可以達成 有效經濟,公平社會?! 這有點讓我難以想像,我只能說太過專業了@@)(不過大體上還是照字面翻,並加入了一點其他元素的搭配,使上下文更流暢)
(整體來講: 這篇文章過於專業難懂@@ 環保可以跟通路商,生產者或消費者雙方差異,通路商的優點,公平的社會,等議題扯上關係,著實讓我開了眼界...)(所以大體上,遇有專業部分的句子多直接按字面翻議,合不合文本原旨就不得而知了)
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2009-08-22T05:29
坦白的說, 中文的內容都有點不知所云, 有些名詞不是通用的名詞, 英文翻起來很困難. 以下的英文翻譯給您作參考. 或許您可以自己再修改一下
The rise of the awareness in environmental protection has become a trend. Yet both the producers and the consumers face a definitive fact – the recognition on both sides remain in the traditional transactions. Consequently, the entire industry is trapped in the tug of war between incompatible demand and supply, resulting in slogans only, and without real impacts. Therefore it is of greater importance to properly resolve the differences between the two sides.
This research intends to build upon the advantage of [我不知道通路商是什麼意思, 您自己加進去吧], work through review of related publications, analysis of consumers’ purchasing decision, research findings from volume sales merchants survey, and present proposals to minimize the difference between the two sides.
Government, businesses, and consumers will contemplate, with the consensus of one earth and continuous development, the way to foster a healthy cycle for the green industry, and achieve the goals of efficient economy, just society, and balanced ecology.


Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2009-08-20T00:00
堆高機自2009/9/1起改採技能檢定才能駕駛,那請問原始取得訓練合格證書的是否需要換證?或只是每三年實施複訓就�� ...


Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2009-08-20T00:00
牆壁上有地板上有廁所有時會有是白色帶點灰,壓牠會像溼掉的樣子,變深灰色扁長,可能有1公分吧!?兩端是有點 ...


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2009-08-20T00:00
對面大樓鄰居常常大吼大叫罵老婆嗓門很大嚴重影響住戶的品質他都用台語的字詞罵的非常不堪入耳例如罵老婆妓 ...


Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2009-08-20T00:00
媽媽最近更年期看他樣子好像真的很不舒服也有趕緊帶她去看醫生打了針去藥房買藥和藥膏可是聽說吃太多藥抹太 ...


William avatar
By William
at 2009-08-20T00:00
我是體育人然後這次暑假我去宜蘭集訓我是住台北..我七月底就有一點小咳嗽,之後放假有回台北去看醫生,在台� ...