英文翻譯送20點!! - 社會議題

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2010-04-20T00:00

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Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2010-04-21T17:42
1. Most of the subjects are concerned that the Group will make use of mobile phone fraud property fraud, the results show that the government in social security now or did not do well.
2. Subjects usually very concerned about base stations located around at home, shows that the Government has not given the positive impact of the base station in response to public concern.
3. Almost all of the subjects during sleep the body from the mobile phone will be placed closer to the place, in this regard the Government and the mobile phone industry should actively promote the dangers of electromagnetic waves.
4. People struggle with the base station is mainly due to lack of knowledge for mobile phone, as well as government agencies and carriers have not fulfilled the responsibility of education and public awareness, and media coverage is the reason the base station protest.
5. Electromagnetic wave health issues related to public awareness, government advocacy effect than the carriers have, it is suggested that the Government will make efforts to advocacy issues related to mobile phone electromagnetic waves, so that people no longer fear.
6. Carriers increases is caused by the use of mobile phone users the frequency of the main reasons.
7. Day mobile phone use is higher than the Department of Ministry of mobile phone usage at night, on behalf of those who use cell phones to younger than older people concerns.


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2010-04-20T00:00
如題二等親內是否能駕駛我的計程車?聽說好像可以想確定一下另外如我的計程車給借朋友開不知道罰款是多少?謝� ...


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2010-04-20T00:00
and#34;公民與政治權利國際公約經濟社會文化權利國際公約施行法and#34;這兩種的公約內容主要為何?我找好久都找不 ...


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2010-04-20T00:00
在大陸的爸爸最進關節痛得不能工作應該是退化性關節炎吧~他不相信大陸醫生~也沒時間回台灣看醫生~很想買保健 ...


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2010-04-20T00:00
聽說比較容易被蚊子叮上的人表示是酸性體質?只覺得最近蚊子超愛我明明全家坐在一起大家都沒事就我被叮的亂 ...


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2010-04-20T00:00
關於土壤污染的作業拜託幫幫忙~~~1.農地土壤污染調查歷程分為哪五階段?2.如何判定可溶解性塩類存於土壤中之危� ...