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Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2007-12-29T00:00

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New Zealand's longest glacier has lost 5km to global warming and is expected to lose at least as much again if the climate keeps heating up.
The Tasman Glacier, the massive ice river that sweeps past Aoraki-Mt Cook, has already shrunk to 23km, from the formation of a 5km lake at its snout in the past 30 years.
In that time, New Zealand's glaciers have lost almost 11 per cent - 5.8 cubic kilometres - of their ice, new research released yesterday has found.
Twelve of the largest in the Southern Alps are unlikely to return to their earlier lengths without "extraordinary cooling of the climate", says the National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research (Niwa).
The warming climate is responsible for more than 90 per cent of the ice loss.
The report comes a day after the starkest warning yet from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which declared the impact of global warming could be "abrupt or irreversible" and no country would be spared.
Niwa said the shrinking of New Zealand's glaciers had continued despite there being virtually no change in the amount of snow feeding them last year.
The shrinkage of the big glaciers, mostly in the Mt Cook region, is driven mainly by the formation of glacier-snout lakes - which encourage big lumps of ice to break off and accelerate the shrinkage - and surface melting.
However, the Franz Josef Glacier on the West Coast grew 170m from 2005 to this year from increased snowfall, following earlier shrinkage.

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Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2008-01-01T17:16
New Zealand's longest glacier has lost 5km to global warming and is expected to lose at least as much again if the climate keeps heating up.
The Tasman Glacier, the massive ice river that sweeps past Aoraki-Mt Cook, has already shrunk to 23km, from the formation of a 5km lake at its snout in the past 30 years.
綿延通過奧拉基/庫克山的最大冰河 - 塔斯曼冰河,在過去30年已經從它鼻狀的5公里長湖泊發源地,縮短到23公里長。
In that time, New Zealand's glaciers have lost almost 11 per cent - 5.8 cubic kilometres - of their ice, new research released yesterday has found.
Twelve of the largest in the Southern Alps are unlikely to return to their earlier lengths without "extraordinary cooling of the climate", says the National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research (Niwa).
The warming climate is responsible for more than 90 per cent of the ice loss.
The report comes a day after the starkest warning yet from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which declared the impact of global warming could be "abrupt or irreversible" and no country would be spared.
Niwa said the shrinking of New Zealand's glaciers had continued despite there being virtually no change in the amount of snow feeding them last year.
The shrinkage of the big glaciers, mostly in the Mt Cook region, is driven mainly by the formation of glacier-snout lakes - which encourage big lumps of ice to break off and accelerate the shrinkage - and surface melting.
However, the Franz Josef Glacier on the West Coast grew 170m from 2005 to this year from increased snowfall, following earlier shrinkage.
Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2007-12-31T01:11
New Zealand's longest glacier has lost 5km to global warming and is expected to lose at least as much again if the climate keeps heating up.
The Tasman Glacier, the massive ice river that sweeps past Aoraki-Mt Cook, has already shrunk to 23km, from the formation of a 5km lake at its snout in the past 30 years.
In that time, New Zealand's glaciers have lost almost 11 per cent - 5.8 cubic kilometres - of their ice, new research released yesterday has found.
Twelve of the largest in the Southern Alps are unlikely to return to their earlier lengths without "extraordinary cooling of the climate", says the National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research (Niwa).
The warming climate is responsible for more than 90 per cent of the ice loss.
The report comes a day after the starkest warning yet from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which declared the impact of global warming could be "abrupt or irreversible" and no country would be spared.
Niwa said the shrinking of New Zealand's glaciers had continued despite there being virtually no change in the amount of snow feeding them last year.
The shrinkage of the big glaciers, mostly in the Mt Cook region, is driven mainly by the formation of glacier-snout lakes - which encourage big lumps of ice to break off and accelerate the shrinkage - and surface melting.
However, the Franz Josef Glacier on the West Coast grew 170m from 2005 to this year from increased snowfall, following earlier shrinkage.
紐西蘭的最長的冰川丟失了5km 對全球性變暖和被預計再丟失一樣至少如果氣候繼續加熱。
Tasman 冰川, 清掃通過Aoraki Mt 廚夫的巨型的冰河, 已經收縮到23km, 從5km 湖的形成在它的口鼻部在過去30 年。
時間, 紐西蘭的冰川丟失了幾乎百分之11 - 5.8 立方體公里- 他們的冰, 新研究昨天被發布發現了。
十二最大在南部的阿爾卑斯不太可能返回到他們的更加早期的長度沒有"非凡冷卻氣候", 說水全國學院
Niwa 認為收縮紐西蘭的冰川那裡繼續了儘管是實際上沒有變化在相當數量雪上去年哺養他們。
大冰川的收縮, 主要在Mt 廚夫地區, 主要被形成鼓勵冰大團終止和加速收縮- 的冰川口鼻部湖駕駛- 並且浮出水面熔化。
但是, Franz 約瑟夫冰川在西海岸生長了170m 從2005 年對今年從增加的降雪, 跟隨更加早期的收縮。
2007-12-29 21:36:41 補充:
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2007-12-30T17:03
紐西蘭的最長的冰川丟失了5km 對全球性變暖和被預計再丟失一樣至少如果氣候繼續加熱。
Tasman 冰川, 清掃通過Aoraki Mt 廚夫的巨型的冰河, 已經收縮到23km, 從5km 湖的形成在它的口鼻部在過去30 年。
時間, 紐西蘭的冰川丟失了幾乎百分之11 - 5.8 立方體公里- 他們的冰, 新研究昨天被發布發現了。
十二最大在南部的阿爾卑斯不太可能返回到他們的更加早期的長度沒有"非凡冷卻氣候", 認為水& 大氣研究(Niwa) 全國學院。
溫暖的氣候負責對超過冰損失的百分之90 。
報告來一天在最純然的警告以後從政府間的盤區在氣候變化, 宣稱全球性變暖的衝擊能"突然或不可逆" 和沒有國家會被饒恕。
Niwa 認為收縮紐西蘭的冰川那裡繼續了儘管是實際上沒有變化在相當數量雪上去年哺養他們。
大冰川的收縮, 主要在Mt 廚夫地區, 主要被形成鼓勵冰大團終止和加速收縮- 的冰川口鼻部湖駕駛- 並且浮出水面熔化。
但是, Franz 約瑟夫冰川在西海岸生長了170m 從2005 年對今年從增加的降雪, 跟隨更加早期的收縮。


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By Genevieve
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Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2007-12-29T00:00


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