英文高手能幫我翻譯一下嗎 - 節約能源

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2008-05-28T00:00

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隨著時代的進步、科技的發展,以前不曾存在的問題,在時代不停前進的巨輪下,亦隨之而浮現,不但浮現而且嚴重地撼動了我們整個賴以生存的環境──地球。而在此諸多的衝擊中,「全球暖化」(global warming)可以說是一個愈來愈受到全球關注的議題。「全球暖化」之所以受到如此的關注,無非是因為它所牽涉到的層面,是整個我們賴以為生的環境。因此,面對全球暖化所造成的衝擊和危機,在替代能源與再生能源尚未發展健全的階段,必須從節約能源方面著手,從空調系統著手將是最快速也最具成效的方式。

All Comments

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2008-06-01T14:26
With the development of progress, science and technology of the times, the problem that never existed in the past, under the large ship advanced ceaselessly in era, also appeared with it, not only appeared but also shook our whole environment depended on for existence seriously - -The earth. In a great deal of impacts here, ' melt globally and warmly ' (global warming) Can be said to be a topic paid close attention to by the whole world. ' global to melt while being warm ' paying close attention to like this, only because aspect it involve, it is the whole environment grown that we hung on to think. So, have not developed sound stage in alternative energy source and regenerated energy yet in the face of global and warm impacts and crises caused of melting, must from save energy set about, set about, have way of effect most too fast most from air conditioner system.
2008-05-30 12:44:28 補充:
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2008-05-28T14:12
As the generation progress in to technology,
the problem that never occur before
had been revealed through the non-stoping weel of this generation.
Not only had it been reveal it has affected our living enviroment-earth.
Under many attacks, global warming had become a main topic to the world.
Global warming had become our main topic, is because of how it has affect our
Therefore, facing the danger of global warming, we must start from economizing
since the recycle program had been able to progress.
The fastest way of saving energy is air condition system.


George avatar
By George
at 2008-05-28T00:00
小學生能爲地球暖化做些什麼 (寫越多越好)
小學生能爲地球暖化做些什麼 (寫越多越好)
小學生能爲地球暖化做些什麼 (寫越多越好)
小學生能�� ...


Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2008-05-28T00:00
( )1.地球會暖化主要是因為來自太陽的紫外線變多的關係.
( )2.保麗龍若回收在利用 可以再壓成塑膠粒子.做成玩具.筆筒
花盆.錄影帶匣等�� ...


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2008-05-26T00:00
引用...ㄝ都�� ...


David avatar
By David
at 2008-05-26T00:00
1. 有哪些節能的妙招??(三個)
2. 如何減少空氣污染??(三個)
3. 空氣污染對健康有什麼影響??(三個)
4. 興建焚化爐和垃圾掩埋場,能解決垃圾問題嗎?? ...


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2008-05-25T00:00