莫斯科大馬戲團門票一張@達爾文 - 紐澳

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2009-07-08T00:55

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最貴是第一排的VIP Ringside,票價為55元,
演出時間是本週六晚上(7:30pm, 11, July. 09.)

我住在Parap,可於City, Stuart Park, Parap等區域面交,

連絡電話:0434051597(Optus) Luke


If you must lie,lie in the arms of one you love.
If you must steal,steal away from bad company. 《Hitch》
If you must cheat,cheat death.
If you must drink,drink in the moment that take your breathe away.

Tags: 紐澳

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Sofa Bed (Double-size Futon Mattress w/ Hardwood Base)

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2009-07-06T10:45
This futon sofa-bed is a double-size mattress, with the tri-fold sofa/bed base. It makes a very comfy sofa and a great extra bed. Weand#39;re selling it because we are moving oversea in 2 weeks time. ...

Brisbane-New Farm(PowerHouse)

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2009-07-06T10:43
好讀網誌版 http://thirdbase30.pixnet.net/blog/post/23914938 PTT文字版 今天搭乘City Cat去New Farm 剛開始還坐錯方向,花了好久時間才抵達New Farm 下船以後問路人市 ...


Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2009-07-06T06:50
我只能說我上禮拜超不順 一覺起來發覺不能上網,但室友的筆電OK 所以就認為自己筆電中毒, 就把它還原,正當我需要打密碼時 發覺到~我的鍵盤不能� ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2009-07-05T23:33
大家覺得三大樂園(warner Bros. Dream world Sea world)哪一個比較值得去?? 另外,請問有人看過outback spectacular嗎??覺得值得一看嗎?? -- --

Melbourne UNI TSA 台灣同學會 冬季滑雪活動 (代PO)

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2009-07-05T01:24
小弟在這邊幫我朋友代PO他們Melbourne UNI 台灣同學會 要舉辦的活動 冬季滑雪5天4夜 時間:7/20~7/24 地點:Mt Buller 內容如下 Package Price: $350 per pax Price I ...