請問為什麼罰單跟網站上沒有能上Traffi … - 洛杉磯

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2010-08-25T04:26

Table of Contents


How do I find out if I’m allowed to attend Traffic School?

The clerk can authorize an 8 hour traffic violator school if the defendant is
a licensed driver, the offense is an infraction pertaining to the California
Vehicle Code rules of the road and equipment violations and the violation is
reportable to the Department of Motor Vehicles.

You are ineligible if:

* The violation carries more than one point count with the Department of
Motor Vehciles.
* The violation occured within 18 months after the date of a previous
violation in which you previously elected to attend traffic school.
* The violation is related to alcohol or drug use or possession.
* You have failed to appear by the scheduled appearance date and a civil
assessment has been added and not paid
* You have failed to appear and an additional violation of Vehicle Code
section 40508(a) has been added and not adjudicated
* The violation is for speeding in excess of 25 miles over a speed limit
* The violation occurred in a commercial vehicle
* You hold a Commercial Class A, B, or C license

※ 引述《Brian1013 (天使之吻)》之銘言:
: 小弟在六月三十號被開了一張停在平交道上的罰單,收到罰款單
: 之後心疼了一番! 466 USD!!
: 心疼之餘想要繳費及報名Traffic School,但是單子上面沒有這個選項。
: 上法院的網頁查詢,也只有三個選項:
: Based on the status of this citation, you are eligible for
: the following online transaction(s). Select one of the option(s) below:
: 1. Appearance Date Extension - The extension date will be 10/25/2010.
: 2. Full Payment - The amount due is $466 plus a e-Public Access service fee*
: of $10.00 will be added to this amount.
: 3. Court Date Reservation - Select a time preference below.AM PM Night
: Court No Preference
: 請問為什麼沒有像之前板友們的Traffic School的選項呢?
: 還是我要直接加上$64元寄支票過去然後說明我要上Traffic School呢?
: 謝謝~



All Comments


Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2010-08-25T03:09
城市/區域:近UCLA, westwood, LA 交貨方式:現金,自取 1.twin size set bed mettress+box+frame $120 2.IKEA書櫃 size:71.25and#34;x29.75and#34;x11.62 ...


Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2010-08-25T02:31
大家好 想要請問一下 實習的工作資訊 都可以去那裡去找呢 請各位大大幫忙一下 謝謝大家~~ - ...

臨床試驗 33天 可得$7100

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2010-08-25T02:04
需台灣人 男性 或 女性 (女性需停經2年或已開刀結紮) 年紀在 18到55 歲之間 健康.. 9/18開始 共33天.. 有興趣的可回站內信... - ...


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2010-08-25T01:25
※ 引述《IhSpy (蛤屁啊)》之銘言: : 小妹最近開始想要學畫畫 : 有上網查了一下畫室 但是不知道風評如何 : 想請問各位有沒有認識推薦的畫室在Diamond Bar附近 : 如果DB附近沒有我也願意往西邊跑 到LA市區我也還可以接受 : 希望各位給我指點一下! http://www.thedra ...


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2010-08-24T23:08
小妹最近開始想要學畫畫 有上網查了一下畫室 但是不知道風評如何 想請問各位有沒有認識推薦的畫室在Diamond Bar附近 如果DB附近沒有我也願意往西邊跑 到LA市區我也還可以接受 希望各位給我指點一下! - ...