請幫我看是否為詐騙 - 紐澳

Una avatar
By Una
at 2013-11-19T12:59

Table of Contents


Dear Li Che Lu,

We would like to offer position of Administrative Assistant at our company.
Please, find more information about us and this position below.

MVL is a leading distributor of finest designer goods. Currently it is one of
the most important specializing in online sales. With more than 5 years of
experience in the designer goods industry.
We offer a continuous renovation in our collections, following the latest
trends in each country and season, thus satisfying the demand of clients.
We always keep in mind that prices are an important factor when it comes to

We are looking for a responsible person in Australia who will be
ready to incur all necessary activities. Our candidate should be highly
motivated. We believe that the experience is not the most important thing.
The key to success is a fresh look and bold ideas!

The main duties of Administrative Assistant:

- Helping Entity's Sales Department as a special projects support
- Data entry and other functions as specified in the instruction
- Running reports for all completed deals and wire transfers
- Providing overall administrative maintenance such as making of letters,
processing purchase orders and
transaction reports etc.

- Emailing correspondence every day

Hours: Full-time or part-time schedule possible. Your schedule can be
irregular. For a part time variant - you will spend 3 hours per day average,
from Monday to Friday.

Salary: Essential pay for a part time job is 450AUD on a weekly basis plus 5
commission. Full-time job pay is 880AUD on a weekly basis plus commission.

You will be on Probation period for your first month.

I'm sending you Application Form(you can find it attached to this email).
Please read it carefully, complete and send it back to me via email or by fax
+1-832-202-0586. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

Thank you

Tags: 紐澳

All Comments

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2013-11-23T04:35
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2013-11-25T22:53
Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2013-11-30T16:42
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2013-12-04T16:07
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2013-12-06T04:24
詐騙 我有朋友也有收過這個信件


Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2013-11-19T11:09
類別:出租 房屋:Single Room 價位:單人$155 per week; 雙人$ 170 per week (含水、電、網路) 地點:Brydon st., Highgate Hill, Brisbane 照片:http://ppt.cc/Kupl http://pp ...


Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2013-11-18T18:21
小弟早上搭車 因為早起 我精神也沒到很好 聽著音樂 也沒意識到有沒有touch成功 後面也一堆人在擠 之後 開始查票 我想說 我有刷 結果把票拿出來 � ...


Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2013-11-14T16:31
澳.紐.美.加.英 遊學任你選 【http://goo.gl/rwUoNq】 五國短期遊學說明會 11/16高雄、11/23台北、11/30台中巡迴開講! 想出國遊學卻在猶豫該去哪個國家嗎? Emb ...


Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2013-11-14T01:43
要去旅遊20天 自己一個女生 想說還是辦個手機比較安全 我到的時候是半夜 猜想機場沒有開 住12 Hereford Street基督教青年會基督城酒店 (YMCA Christchurch Hos ...


Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2013-11-13T16:46
推薦給在外打拼的大家兩款鞋 http://ppt.cc/r9bS 膠鞋 http://ppt.cc/~8yY 皮鞋 http://ppt.cc/EJRd 希望大家都能平安 謝謝 --