請教英文高手幫我翻一些英文句子! - 社會議題

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2010-07-14T00:00

Table of Contents

1.The two sides of the river are linked by a bridge.
2.This website includes some links to other websites.
3.When our train was in the tunnel,it was so dark that we could not see anything.
4.The English Channel separates England from France.
5.Please turn to the Discovery Channel.My favorite program is on.
6.The huge cockroach really scared me.
7.I hate to tell you this,but you're making a huge mistake.
8.Digging through the huge rock was a big challenge for the workers.
9.Out teacher often challenges us to think about social issues.
10.Sharon finds that being a nurse is a challenging job,but she loves it.
11.The Guandu Bridge was designed by a local engineers.
12.Gina is studying electrical engineering because she wants to be an engineer.
13.Much of the Channel Tunnel is underwater.
14.The car accident was caused an awful disaster.
15.It was only an accident.I didn't do it on purpose.
16.His carelessness caused an awful disaster.
17.The 921 Earthquake was one of the worst natural disasters to have ever hit Tiwan.
18.It took more than ten thousand pelople to build the Channel Tunnel.
19.The Taipei 101 Tower is one of the tallest buildings in the world.
20.Make sure the fire escape is available.
21.Only six people escaped from the fire.
22.What is the best route to your house?
23.He looks honest,but he is actually a thief.
24.The department store is just across from the main railroad station.
25.The boys raced to see who was the fastest in the class.
26.There are boat races all around Taiwan at the Dragon Boat Festival.
27.She needs that amount of money to pay her credit card bill.
28.Don't carry a large amount of cash with you.
29.Borers are used to dig through the hard rock.
30.The scenery along the rocky coast is wonderful.
2 個已更新項目:
31.This dirt road is always very muddy after a heavy rain.
32.The floor is dirty.Did you mop it?
33.Remove your hand from my bag
34.The heavy rain increased the diffculty of the rescue work.
35.The number of cars in Taiwan is on the increase.
36.An increasing number of people can afford to buy a house.
3 個已更新項目:
37.Modern people rely increasingly on computers.
38.It is a big project with a 50-million-dollar budget.
39.The tall tree projects a long shadow on the ground.
4 個已更新項目:
抱歉ˊˋ 因為字數的限定 我只能用補充的 造成各位大大的不便,請見諒!!

All Comments

Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2010-07-15T10:33
1.The two sides of the river are linked by a bridge.
1. 河流兩岸由一座橋連接著。
2.This website includes some links to other websites.
2. 這個網站內有一些其他網站的連結。
3.When our train was in the tunnel,it was so dark that we could not see anything.
3. 當我們的火車在山洞裡時,我們都因太黑而無法看見任何東西。
4.The English Channel separates England from France.
4. 英吉利海峽將英國及法國分隔開來。
5.Please turn to the Discovery Channel.My favorite program is on.
5. 請轉到 Discovery 頻道,我最喜歡的節目正在播放。 (我不確定 Discovery 有沒有中文翻譯,我都直接用英文的說。查過好像也是都直接用英文名稱。)
6.The huge cockroach really scared me.
6. 那隻大蟑螂真的嚇到我了。
7.I hate to tell you this,but you're making a huge mistake.
7. 很遺憾,但我得告訴你你犯了個很大的錯誤。
8.Digging through the huge rock was a big challenge for the workers.
8. 對勞工來說,要挖掘穿透一塊巨大的石塊是項很大的挑戰。
9.Our teacher often challenges us to think about social issues.
9. 我們的老師常挑戰我們去思考與社會相關的議題。
10.Sharon finds that being a nurse is a challenging job,but she loves it.
10. 雪倫發覺當護士是個具挑戰的工作,但她熱愛這份工作。
11.The Guandu Bridge was designed by a local engineer.
11. 關渡大橋由當地的一位工程師所設計的。(engineer 去掉 s)
12.Gina is studying electrical engineering because she wants to be an engineer.
12. 吉娜在學電機工程,因為她想成為一位工程師。
13.Much of the Channel Tunnel is underwater.
13. 英法海底隧道本身大部分是(建造)在海底下。
14.The car accident was caused by an awful disaster.
14. 這場車禍是由一場可怕的災害(或 天災)所造成的。(句子本身有些錯誤,可把 was caused 改成 has caused, 或是加個 by 在 was caused 後面。但因為前一個的意思不太合邏輯,故加上 by ,翻譯後也較合理通順。)
15.It was only an accident.I didn't do it on purpose.
15. 那只是個意外,不是我故意造成的。
16.His carelessness caused an awful disaster.
16. 他的漫不經心造成了一場可怕的災害。
17.The 921 Earthquake was one of the worst natural disasters to have ever hit Taiwan.
17. 921大地震是台灣遭受過的最大天災之一。
18.It took more than ten thousand pelople to build the Channel Tunnel.
18. 英法海底隧道是由超過一萬人所建造而成的。
19.The Taipei 101 Tower is one of the tallest buildings in the world.
19. 台北101(大樓)是世界上最高的建築物之一。
20.Make sure the fire escape is available.
20. 請確保火災逃生梯的暢通。或 請確保火災逃生梯可通行。 (available 是指可使用的; 可行的。在這裡應該等同於暢通的意思,因為暢通所以可以使用,若是阻塞了,就沒辦法使用了。)
2010-07-15 01:15:30 補充:
抱歉啦.. 字數限制, 也不讓我補充,只好將就點用這種方法看了... 會全部連在一起哦~ 每分段, 連顏色也沒了...
Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2010-07-16T01:06
1.兩個邊的河相連的一座橋。2.本網站包含一些到其他網站的連結。3.當我們的火車是在隧道,天很黑,我們能看到什麼。4.英吉利海峽將英國與法國分隔開。5.請上輪到發現 Channel.My 最喜歡的程式。6.大量蟑螂真把我嚇了。愛不想告訴你這,但你犯了一個巨大的錯誤。8.挖通過巨大的岩石是工人的一大挑戰。9.出老師經常挑戰我們認為有關的社會問題。10.沙龍認為是一名護士的一個富挑戰性的工作,但她喜歡它。11、 官渡橋是由本地的工程師設計的。12.吉娜正電氣工程,因為她想成為一名工程師。13.的海峽隧道的大部分是水下。14.車禍造成可怕的災難。15.這是只有一個 accident.I 不是故意的。16.他的粗心造成可怕的災難。17.第 921 地震是以往任何時候都襲擊 Tiwan 最嚴重自然災害之一。18.它花了超過一萬 pelople 構建海峽隧道。19.在臺北 101 大樓是世界最高建築之一。20.請確保走火是可用的。21.只有六人從火中逃了出來。22.什麼是你家的最佳路線?23 他看上去很誠實,但他其實是個小偷。24.百貨公司是主要的火車站對面。25.孩子們比賽看誰是最快的類。2010-07-14 21:49:20 補充26.有四周臺灣在龍舟比賽。27.她需要這筆錢支付她的信用卡帳單。28 不要攜帶大量現金和你在一起。29 三化螟被用來挖洞硬岩。30.岩質海岸風景是美好的。
2010-07-14 21:49:41 補充三十一一場大雨後此泥路上總是非常泥濘。32.地板是 dirty.Did 你拖它嗎?33.從我的包中刪除你的手34.這場大雨增加救援工作的難點。35 互聯臺灣汽車的數量正在增加。36.有越來越多的人能買一棟房子。
2010-07-14 21:49:46 補充37.現代人越來越多地依賴電腦。38.它是一個大的專案,50 萬美元預算。39.那棵高樹專案的長長的陰影,在地上。


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2010-07-14T00:00
現在大家對身體保健意識抬頭很多人都會吃保健食品尤其是對於年紀大了退化性關節炎這個問題,很多人都建議要 ...


Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2010-07-14T00:00
最近好像有一種東東..叫做and#34;神奇清潔膠and#34;朋友給了我一小包..類似試用包!!!像黏土一樣的東西..小缝隙的灰� ...


Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2010-07-14T00:00
1.有人說.女人比男人更加賤.你們認為誰比較賤2.有人說.女人比男人更加好欺騙.你們認為誰比較好欺騙3.有人說.男� ...


Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2010-07-14T00:00
有關逢甲大學的化學工程學系,請幫我回答,期望就讀逢甲大學的化學工程學系大學部的學生或已經從逢甲大學的化� ...


Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2010-07-14T00:00
請問一下我要買KYMCOG5特仕版但是他有分10吋和12吋輪子一直再煩惱我要買哪一種要顧及安全方便來考量我該選哪一� ...