請求高手英文翻譯 - 社會議題

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2009-08-09T00:00

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Question 3.What would you tell Elizabeth”shusband about his manifestions of his grief?
Manifestations of grief may involve psychological,physical,and social components.
Psychological manifestations
Avoidance phase
The avoidance phase may be characterized by shock,denial,anddisbelief.These will be experienced by patients as they first hear the diagnosis and later as they cope with bad news about disease progression and changes in roles,independence,and emotions.family members undergo similar but individualized experiences
This numbing experience may initially be intellectualized,but that defence mechanism usually fails quickly as the next phase of reality develops.
Decision-making during this phase is often difficult.
There is some experiential evidence that if the dying process is mmanaged well,this avoidance phase is limited and shortened.
Confrontation phase
During this phase,those who grieve confront the reality of the loss.
This is accompanied by extremes of emotion:sadness,anxiety,fear,anger and guilt.
Anger may be with oneself over perceived lack of a certain appropriate response,over a perceived ability to have averted the illness,or over relationship issues that have not been resolved.
Anger displaced to others,including professional caregivers,is also very common.
Spiritual angst may manifest as anger with God.
Restlessness,irritability,and panic may occur.
There is often a feeling of loss of control,and decision-making during this phase may be difficult,requiring more time.

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Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2009-08-09T10:45
Question 3.What would you tell Elizabeth”shusband about his manifestions of his grief?
Manifestations of grief may involve psychological,physical,and social components.
詢問 3 。你將會告訴伊莉莎白什麼”關於他的他的傷痛的 manifestions 的 shusband?
Psychological manifestations
Avoidance phase
The avoidance phase may be characterized by shock,denial,anddisbelief.These will be experienced by patients as they first hear the diagnosis and later as they cope with bad news about disease progression and changes in roles,independence,and emotions.family members undergo similar but individualized experiences
避免階段可能有驚嚇、否認,anddisbelief 的特點。當他們最初聽到診斷的時候,這些將被病人經歷而且稍後當他們在角色、獨立和 emotions.family 成員中應付關於疾病前進的壞消息和改變接受相似但是個別化經驗
This numbing experience may initially be intellectualized,but that defence mechanism usually fails quickly as the next phase of reality develops.
Decision-making during this phase is often difficult.
There is some experiential evidence that if the dying process is mmanaged well,this avoidance phase is limited and shortened.
有一些經驗的證據如果垂死的程序是 mmanaged 得好,這一避免階段被限制而且縮短。
Confrontation phase
During this phase,those who grieve confront the reality of the loss.
This is accompanied by extremes of emotion:sadness,anxiety,fear,anger and guilt.
Anger may be with oneself over perceived lack of a certain appropriate response,over a perceived ability to have averted the illness,or over relationship issues that have not been resolved.
Anger displaced to others,including professional caregivers,is also very common.
Spiritual angst may manifest as anger with God.
Restlessness,irritability,and panic may occur.
There is often a feeling of loss of control,and decision-making during this phase may be difficult,requiring more time.
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2009-08-11T04:50
問題3.What您是否會告诉關於他的哀情他的manifestions的伊麗莎白」shusband ?哀情的顯示也許介入心理,物理和社會組分。心理顯示退避階段退避階段也許描绘為震動,否認, anddisbelief。這些將由患者體驗,他們首先聽見診斷,並且以后,當他們应付關於疾病進步的在角色上的坏消息和变化,獨立和emotions.family成員接受相似,但是被賦予個性的經驗這使麻木的经验也許最初intellectualized,但是那防御机制迅速通常发生故障,當下階段現實開发。在這個階段期間的政策制定經常是困難的。有一些經驗的證據,如果死的過程很好mmanaged,這個退避階段是有限和縮短。交鋒階段在這個階段期間,追悼的那些人面對損失的現實。這由情感極端伴隨:悲傷、憂慮、恐懼、憤怒和罪狀。憤怒也許是與自己在被察覺的缺乏某一適當的反應,在被察覺的能力避免了病症,或者在未解決的關係问题。憤怒被偏移對其他,包括專業照料者,也是非常共同性。精神痛苦也許體現作為憤怒以上帝。不安定性、火爆和恐慌也許發生。經常有控制損失的感覺,並且在這個階段期間的政策制定也許是困難的,需要更多时间。


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